Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA until 5/17

GUYS. My last final is tomorrow! However, I'm taking an LOA until the 17th because the best friend and I are going to EDC NY! I will be back Monday, but will probably sleep the entire day. But since it's summer...that means I can get back to posting to my little heart's content! And start some of those plots that I've been discussing with a bunch of you...

And another Matsu skirmish might be in the works...

I want to sincerely thank everyone who has been so patient with me over the last two weeks as I go through my finals. I've wanted to post like crazy but damn school gets in the way. You're all the best, and I can't wait to catch up and start posting regularly when I get back. :)

IF YOU'RE GOING TO EDC AND YOU WANT TO HANG: Please PM me! Ashley and I would love to chill, ride some rides, and dance with whoever wants to meet up. And if you're there and you see this totem held up above the crowd, it's us - come chill!

[member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Darth Orcus"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Nejaa Niynx"] | [member="Lok Munin"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Dorne Calato"]
Have a good time!

We'll certainly be awaiting your return eagerly, and though I missed out on previous Matsu skirmishes, I hope to maybe be a part of this one; so shoot me a tag when and if this comes into play ;)

Good luck on your final!

Connor Harrison

[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

*Googles 'EDC NY' again*
*takes headache pills just reading up about it*

Have a super WONDERFUL time (like we don't think you will), stay safe and take plenty of snaps of the general chaos that ensures with Bale Batman totem. Looking forward to your return because if there's one person who's deserves to have fun and let loose, it's you.

Party on!


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