Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA until August

Two things:
1) I'm in England so school breaks up for Summer in July
2) I'm in year 10 so my exams have just started

As you can see, I'll be dedicating a lot of my time to school. I'm sorry for any inconvenience but I will finish all the threads I'm in at one point or another.

This isn't to say that I won't get the odd day where I can post consistently but just don't expect daily posts from me for a few months.

I rp with so many people so I'll just list my active characters, if you rp with one of these, I'm sorry I will get back to you at some point or another: Paislee Armande, Blaise Laurent, Vitani Amani, Callie Sha'Co, Ethan Matumaini, Emilie Madowki.

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