Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA UPDATE: A few more weeks

Jack Ross

"I don't believe in good or evil."
So I posted two or three weeks ago annoucning I wouldn't be back for a month. Well, here is my update to all those I RP with, as well as the faction I am with.

Work has been great, making money is always fun. After another great week I have discovered the time I will be returning home. I shall be back on the site fulltime once more Novermeber 23rd. Yes it is another month but hey, gotta work IRL so I can spend my six months off on my computer.

I would be back sooner however a very important event in my life is on occuring on Novermber 9th at 9:01 PM PST, and leading up to that I shall be preparing for said moment (it's Fallout 4 digital release). And I cannot miss it. After that I am gone another week and then I am back full time!

Sorry if this post is sorta long for a LOA Update, I just thought I'd share what has been going on and why I've been gone AND when I'll be back. Today I will be posting OOC a bit, nothing new IC. I am planning a few plot lines for Jack and if anyone is interested I'll update a link to a OCC RP Discussion thread once I get it up. Thanks Chaos, love you all. :)

EDIT: Here is the RP Discussion Thread

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