Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA update

Tomorrow my wife and son leave; day after that is me and my daughter. We'll all spend the next two weeks visiting my parents in the West (I'll check in during this period but won't be posting much). Then late August, early September, we'll be settling into our new place. Then my wife's last semester begins and I become house husband full-time until Christmas. Basically, don't expect me to be at full capacity for about three weeks. I'll continue to lack the time and memory space to reply to 50% of the messages I get on the board and on Skype. Anyone who gets offended by my neglect: I promise to steal everything you love when I get back.


Well-Known Member
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Have a blast bro. We're moving as well. Been extremely difficult being active, but I am determined. Not the same kind of move as yourself though so I feel your problems.

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