Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gasp, such a scary title. SJO's FO is leaving?? What will happen to the silvers?? Nothing fam, I'm just taking a personal moment. I've been writing pretty hard for near a year now, and as FO I've done my damnest to act like a shield for my faction so they could write unhindered in a stress free enviroment. But my personal life has turned all topsy turvy and try as I might, it's time I lean on my team and let them do the same for me.

I'm taking some time to withdraw from the public and let my mind come to terms with life changes without outside pressure.

How does this affect the Silvers? It doesn't, I'll still be active in the server. I'll still be arranging our promised faction changes and organizing threads.

So what's different then?
I just won't BE in the threads. I'll be approaching all my private threads to ask for a pause in person, but any public threads can consider me withdrawn. I'm sorry fam. Go have fun.

Does this mean I can't come talk to you about ideas I have that could involve your faction? Absolutely not. Bring it to me, I'm happy to chat and find you a person that can make your idea come to life.

How long will this be? No time frame. You might see me in a thread or two, but at my own pace. I'll be back in full swing when my heart is ready for it. In the meantime, love you all.

Be kind to one another.
Mischief? Where? Not me. ;)
IRL always comes first. I find it is sometimes easy to forget that when I feel responsible for other folks. And don't forget that some of us are here for you to lean on as well, should you need it. I hope you get some good recharge time and that your personal troubles smooth out.

Hey Sith, wanna rumble? Boss is out.


Thanks guys. Your support is a GAME CHANGER <3

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