Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I can't say this is indefinite - cause this is really my only outlet.

I just need to step away for a day or two and get my mind right.

Some of you have known the custody situation my family has been fighting for the past year and the stressors it has been causing me, which in turn has been causing my whatever on here and which was unfair to you all.

That being said - everything went to hell today.

Now, I know people come on and air their laundry out or whatever but as a community, alot of you have been behind me and I found it fair you should know.

Today - I lost the battle. I'm angry, upset, numb, confused - generally just don't know how to feel or think. My mind feels like a blank canvas.

I'm human, what can I say. They were my step-daughters but I raised em since they were little, so it's difficult.

Anyways, it wasn't over anything bad, infact it was over something completely asinine. It happens when you're normal people fighting a system biased towards cops.

That being said - I will see you guys in a few days.

I'll be on Skype if needed, other than that my presence will be limited.
We will be here when you feel ready to come back.

I can't say I understand, as I have never been in your situation, but I am empathetic for your situation and have seen friends go through similar things. If you need someone to rant at who won't judge, let me know.

Take your time.

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
It's temporary but permanent if that makes sense.

Just tough. I appreciate all the love and support from the community at large. This is why Chaos is the best. <3

I will try to get back into things in the next day or two. I've already been told I need to stick to routine. :p
Alright - so I'm back.

Got a fresher perspective, and better advice going forward so things are on the up and up.

Just more money. Isn't that what it's all about.


Fight on.

Thanks for the support and back to the RP grind. :D

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