Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ladies, Gentlemen, and you animals known as Sith. I will be taking a week off. There's a few things I need to attend to, as the end of the semester is coming up, so I'm stepping offline for a week to do so. Flint, you've got command while I'm away, I'll get with you on Skype to bring you up to speed on what I'd like done this week. Zef, I'll get my Taris post up tonight so the Dominion can proceed while I'm gone.

With that said, don't miss me too much. And Daxton...behave yourself. XD Hasta!
*hides the plasma torch he used to etch his name on the Jedi Shrine to the Fallen*
Who me? I'm always on my best behavior. Take care my friend and safe travels.

Remember what I told you about plausible deniability and make sure they were 'watered' I promise you the hangover the day after would be worth it. As long as you can remember what happened in the first place. *Diabolic laughter*

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