Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For a while now I haven't made a post IC. Which is only a week, but for me thats quite a bit of time. Its been difficult finding the time to post as I've been either working or playing games with my Fiance, which I've been finding far more fun.

I'm gonna be on this LOA for a while, and at some point will probably come back. But, being honest, I've found myself reimersing into WoW more, and with my girl I'll probably remake my guild and begin RPing there.

I apologize to those who have been waiting for my . I've never been good at sticking to my muses, and I hope my disappearance doesn't break yours.

Feel free to PM me. I can never really leave this site, as I'm completely addicted to the lore. If you're into WOW, hit me up.

Anyway. I'll see you guys when I see ya.

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