Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connor Harrison

Hi all. May or may not have seen but I've not been very active recently, so apologies for not saying anything sooner but, sometimes you don't plan these things.

Hitting the point where I can see no way forward IC with anyone as nothing has worked for me regardless of trying, so I'm taking a step back to evaluate my place and see if I can return with a clean slate to try again with everyone, IC and OOC. Never felt this way in the 3 years I've been here so I assume this was a long time coming.

[member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Kyra Sol"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] et al are the only ones it really affects, but thank you for your patience. I will hopefully be back soon to continue/wrap up. Thank you for you patience.

Thanks all - sorry again.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Hey you...

Not a bad idea to take a break if you are feeling this way, clear the mind and all that. But don't stay away too long. ^_^

Enjoy the LOA though, and come back refreshed and ready to go.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

[member="Connor Harrison"]

We *all* reach that point. Watch some good movies. Read some good books. Play some video games. You'll find your inspiration somewhere, and when you get back you'll finally have a post from my suddenly-not-busy self. We'll be here when you find your way again!

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