Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Loan-A-Padawan


Makai waited patiently at the arrival bays, adjusting his fish necktie, smoothing out the last invisible wrinkles in his blue suit. He was ahead of schedule, wanting to make sure he was available to greet his guest personally, rather than have one of his assistants do it for him.

Next to him was Iko Vel Iko Vel , who looked a touch nervous. It was hard to say, the kid was talkative and often a littler hyperactive. The talkative part reminded Makai of himself, although he learned to curb that habit.

"Alright, when Valery Noble Valery Noble arrives have you practiced what you want to say? Remember, let me do most of the talking, you observe until needed."

This, of course, was part of a larger lesson.

"Consider this much like a business interaction. You don't immediately jump down their throat with business. You ask about their spouse, their kids, how their trip was, what vacation they are taking and where, what their daughter is studying in school..."

His hand made and on and on motion to emphasize his point.

"Then, when you're settled, you get to business. Got to make them feel good about you, and by extension, your business. For you, that's the internship."

what their daughter is studying in school
"...But I already know what Vera is studying. We're at like...the same place. Well, she's better than me but I still know what she's learning. Why'd I ask something I already know? That's...a waste of energy, ain't it?"

The whole concept of an internship was still strange to Iko. But he was surely making an effort at it. Wearing some actual smart clothing instead of his usual robes. AS much as he was confused by Makai's lesson, he was still trying to take it in as Iko thought to himself about the situation, rubbing his chin in thought.

But how do I ask about the trip her and Master Kahlil have been on? The biggest trip will be for the war against the Dark Empire. The war that I'm technically running away from...but should I feel bad for that? It's not like I'm expected to fight...but at the same time, they want us to go on the space station...and security would probably be pretty heavy...and I don't want to be stuck with other Jedi all the time...Plus I ain't really a Jedi anymore...Used lightnin' in the past...Don't wanna use the Force as much now...Just focus on makin' stuff...Yeah. This internship is perfect for that...

Iko snapped out of his thoughts at that, glancing over towards Makai and giving his "tutor" a small smile. Of courses Iko was terrified, but he was doing his best not to show that. This was potentially going to be the hard part for all of this.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Valery Noble Valery Noble


"I was just giving examples."

Makai chuckled a little bit, giving Iko's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. He had to remember he literally grew up in this world, his first foray was an auction where he met Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau and became fast friends with the redhead. Much of his childhood was business meetings, expos, charity dinners, galas, working out in the salvage fields. For someone just jumping in to learn, that was difficult.

Yet given some time, Makai was confident the teenager would do just fine.

"So, you know Mrs. Noble personally, you say? Then your interactions might be a little more relaxed...but she's also the boss of all of you Jedi? So still an element of respect. If you know something about her personally, that's a fine icebreaker. Uhmm....whats a good example? I don't want anything too muddled here..."

A small pause as he thought.

"Lets say one of my friends sees me at a expo, we're all there on business. He can approach me and ask how the house is coming along on Joiol, because he knows what is going on. No lead in there. The important thing is you don't want to just start with business. No one wants to travel all this way, get their hand shaken, to be like 'so, nice of you to come out, I'm leaving the Jedi for a bit'. Just doesn't sit well."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

This was it.

Valery felt the engines of the shuttle powering down and heard the familiar sound of the ship docking to the station. Hydraulic gasses began to vent as the ramp of the ship lowered onto the landing bay floor, and not a moment later, Valery emerged. She was visiting the station on Jedi duty, so she walked down the ramp wearing her typical Jedi attire, and with both lightsabers strapped to her hips. It was unlikely that she'd be using them today, but these were dangerous times.

She needed to be extra careful.

Already, Valery spotted Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell waiting with Iko Vel Iko Vel within the bay. Even from afar, she could tell they were in quite a discussion, but she figured they were eager to get the meeting going. They hadn't requested her to visit just to have tea together and discuss nothing important.

"Good afternoon," Valery began once she stood close enough. "I hope you're both having a good day?"

Iko nodded to Makai, doing his best to make sure the teaching didn't go through one ear and out of the other which was...pretty common for Iko. He was more of a visual learner than an auditory one. Or a tactile learner but he wasn't sure how he could do any tactile learning with any of this. Come on. He could do this. He was also giving himself a challenge that wasn't necessarily asked of him. Iko was going to do his best to give reasons that he wanted to do the little Internship that didn't include Persie. He felt like using her as his only reason would actually go against him, so it was good he had more than her as the reason.

He didn't have to focus on that for too long as he could both faintly feel and then see Valery coming out of the shuttle and Iko did a double check over his clothes, brushing them down to make sure there wasn't any dust before running his hands through his hair, trying to sort it out a little bit and make it look a lot more cleaner. Okay. Remember. Don't go straight into business. Ask how the family's doing. Ask how they're doing...This also gave way to another self restrictive challenge Iko gave him. He knew plenty of business people would flatter the person they're talking to, pretending to care about their family or how they look...but Iko wasn't going to be like that. Any compliment, flattery or question he'd give, he'd mean.

"It 'as been quite an...educational day, Grandmaster Valery. It is also a delight to see you. 'ow is Master Kahlil? 'ow are Vera and Aris taking their trainin' as well? I was always impressed by them, even though I've never directly interacted with them. I could never be anywhere near their level. Also, 'ow are you doing as well Ma'am?"

With that, he gave a small bow towards Valery, keeping a smile on his face. Even without all of the nerves that were running through his system, making him worried, Iko was always able to give his shining smile. Well...maybe not always, but at this precise moment, there was nothing stopping him from grinning away at her. He also had to fight the urge to look at Makai, to see if Iko was doing a good job.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell


Eyebrow perked a little. The kid was doing good, he picked up on the gist of greeting someone and adjusting his line of questioning to the guest. There had been some talk from Persephone that Iko's father had called him an idiot, but Makai had yet to see it. Overeager. Talkative. Clumsy. Oblivious. All attributes he could have easily assigned himself at that age.

Makai thought he turned out mostly fine. With a little time and energy Iko should as well.

Hand outstretched after the greeting from the teenager, wanting to welcome the Jedi Master onto the station.

"Good afternoon, thank you for coming so far to out to greet us. I trust your flight was well? I have set up refreshments in the office, we have a few things to discuss."

He could continue asking about her personally on the walk there, besides, Iko was doing a fine job on his own.

Iko Vel Iko Vel | Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"The family is doing great, thank you for asking," Valery said with a rather bright smile. It was no secret that she was extremely fond of her family. That in and of itself wasn't a unique thing, but she liked to think that she was a more extreme case. her husband and kids were everything she had once dreamed about, and now they really were a part of her life. If Iko wasn't careful, she'd ramble about them for hours.

"If you'd like to meet Vera and Aris, I'll tell them to find you sometime soon. They love making friends." Aris had been surprisingly social and Vera had always been easygoing. Lately, however, she has been struggling with visions and nightmares. Enough for her to isolate herself more than she usually would.

Getting out there and making some new friends would do her good.

"Of course, that sounds good." Valery turned to Makai and shook his hand. He seemed open to more casual chatter, but there was a reason he was directing the group to the office as well.

They had business to discuss.

"You're very much welcome Ma'am."

Iko lowered his head again. There was no need for him to lay on the flattery. At least, he felt like it wouldn't be effective against Valery and he didn't want to flatter people for the sake of it. Instead he spun around on the heel of his foot and prepared to head over towards the office with Makai and Valery, taking in the sights a little bit. He had walked through here a couple of times, but he hadn't actually been to The Office. It was going to be interesting to say the least...Though he blinked when he realised something Valery had mentioned.

"Oh. As much as I'd love to see Vera and Aris, that might not be possible. I can elaborate when we're in Mr Dashiell's office."

Well, there was a possibility the internship wasn't going to be instant. He'd still have to head back to get some of his stuff to bring along. So he could technically meet the Noble kids then...Hm...Iko shook his head at that and tried his best to just walk as professionally as he could. Which...well, it wasn't perfect. Iko had his head up straight but it was more craned like a chicken, and every so often, he'd swing his arms at the same time as the leg that was stepping forward. Left arm out, left leg down. Right arm out, right leg down...

Urgh...It's so hard to walk like this...Why do business people even walk like this?...

The Young lad didn't even realise the way he was walking was wrong. He just thought it was natural for "professional" walking to feel unnatural.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Valery Noble Valery Noble


Huila Station was a marvel unto itself. It was scrapped together, circular, with a very large park and greenery space. Most of the station looked "in" on the massive greenery, allowing for a unique station. Experiments were ongoing with growing food within the green space and hydroponics, pushing the limits of what a space station could be like.

Walking through the corridors, Makai didn't pay much attention to Iko walking a bit like a robot or rather oddly behind them. Although he did hear some clunking now and then, he figured the kid was just goofing around. He was busy taking the time to explain the station anyways.

"Completely refurbished and turned around in record time. The greenery in the center was critical to the entire project, we wanted to ensure we could have some functions on our own ; increased oxygen and foodstuffs potential, although that is a bit further off from self-sustainability. We're housing employees from three companies in here plus contractors so its next to impossible to be self-sustaining at this point.."

A few more trips through several open corridors until reaching his office and the offices of nearly everyone of the higher-ups who were currently working on the station. Door was opened, revealing a large desk in front of glasteel overlooking the green space. Makai had clearly made it his own space, there were holos of himself and his fiancee, geodes, various bits of rock and coral sitting on the shelves, all reflective of his personality.

"Please, take a seat Master Noble. What can I get you? Whisky? Brandy? Coffee? Tea? Water? I've got a variety of refreshments too, should you desire."

A small pause.

"I'm sure you're curious as to why I called you out here."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Iko Vel Iko Vel



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

It seemed there was more to this meeting than she had anticipated. Whatever this meeting was about, it'd somehow not make it possible for him to meet Vera and Aris? Or was that because of something else? Either way, Valery raised a curious brow and followed after the two. Along the way, she spent some time taking in the scenery, but Valery had never really felt a connection to anything made of metal and technology.

She felt at home in the Jungles of New Cov — not a world of steel like Coruscant.

"It's quite remarkable what you've built here," Valery said with a warm smile despite her feelings towards space stations. This one wasn't so bad though, largely because of its greenery.

Soon enough, the three reached Makai's office and Valery looked around once more. It wasn't just a purely professional place with a desk and cabinets full of datapads or paperwork. The pictures and personal items made it feel a little more home-y. After taking a seat, Valery crossed one leg over the other and nodded, "A glass of water or some tea would be lovely, thank you." Drinking anything alcoholic on duty was definitely not going to happen.

Not unless her mission required it, anyway.

"I'm also very curious about this meeting, yes. What is it you'd like to discuss?"

As soon as Valery asked for some water, Iko rushed off to go and grab a glass of the stuff. Manners cost nothing at the end of the day! Even if it felt weird. Normally Iko would have told Valery to get it herself, after all, it wasn't like she was that old...or maybe she was. He didn't know himself but it was a good thing to be polite. Especially in business. At least that was the lesson he had slowly been learning from Makai. After a few more minutes, Iko came walking back with the glass to place it front of Valery.

"ere you go Grandmaster."

He bowed his head for a moment before scootching away from Valery to stand between the middle of Makai and Valery. Almost like he was between two worlds, or two lives. The life of a Jedi and the life of a businessman. And as much as it wasn't that much of a serious choice, it still felt like it to Iko. Like he was choosing between being a Jedi or being a regular person...Even though in reality, the choice was just for an internship. He snapped out of his thoughts at Valery's question however, glancing between her and then over towards Makai.

"It's...about an internship, Ma'am. I'm not sure if Mr Dashiell wants me to explain it all in my own words, to see 'ow well I am at speakin', or if 'e wants to mention somethin' about it. If 'e does not, I am completely ready to talk about it myself."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Valery Noble Valery Noble


Makai was going to get Valery Noble Valery Noble tea, but since Iko Vel Iko Vel had been so eager to get her water, he merely chuckled and decided to have the cup himself.

"Please take a seat Master Noble, Iko."

Two chairs across from his desk, a plush leather, comfortable enough for long conversations. Makai went take his position behind the desk, unbuttoning his suit jacket and taking his own seat once Master Noble has taken hers.

"I think we can tag team this one Iko. No doubt Master Noble will have questions for you."

A sip of his tea as he regarded both of them.

"Iko has expressed interest in a joining a pilot program in which we bring on young people as interns to build up our leadership over time. The idea is to have more regional directors eager to begin without a long training process. By the time they have had enough exposure, they can hit the ground running."

Another sip of his tea, it wasn't half bad.

"We do the internships in six month contracts, but willing to extend that for the correct candidate. It's a paid internship, with room and board along with limited benefits such as healthcare and discounts at Trader ATC."

A small pause, another sip of his drink.

"Iko has expressed interest in joining our program. However, he is currently a Jedi learner. During this time period we could not have him continue his Jedi studies. You can already see the risk to both us and the Jedi. It is a safety issue, and we strive to be neutral in our dealings, obviously it cannot appear we favor the Jedi."

Makai probably had more questions for Valery than Iko at this point.

"We've gotten permission from his father. My main question is if Iko goes back in six months or a year, would be still be allowed to return? To be a Jedi? I dont think he should be ostracized for obtaining some knowledge."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"Thank you," Valery said kindly when she was offered a glass of water. She accepted it from the boy and raised it to her lips to take a sip. Her fiery gaze meanwhile slid to Makai, and she listened to what he wished to discuss. An internship for a pilot program that'd separate him from the Jedi? At least for the duration of the internship. That seemed to be the summary of what he was trying to say.

Though, he had his concerns as well.

"Jedi who leave the Order for whatever reason can always return, as long as they're not breaking the law and then trying to come back." When Jedi fell to the Dark Side or caused problems, they were still held accountable and the process was quite different.

"So if he takes an internship like this, he'll be able to return. My concern is mainly his safety," she said. "You do not want him to be covering Jedi duties because of perceptions, but what if people learn he came from the Jedi? Is there a risk to his safety just for joining this program?"

Iko glanced between the pair as they spoke. There didn't seem to be a perfect chance for him to say anything yet. To be fair, none of it was stuff he could actually answer if he was being totally honest. Though he blinked at the comment about worrying about his safety and Iko broke out into an awkward smile at that. Rubbing the back of his neck in thought, Iko was just trying to figure out when it was time to speak. He didn't want Makai to do all of the talking...even if it might be for the best.

"I don't believe there's a risk to me joining the program, Ma'am. It's attracting risk to the company. I'd be in a similar amount of risk, if I stayed on the new...Temple Ship. And if I was to continue my Padawan lessons, it would only further exca...excaber...exacerbate the situation. There will be potentially more avenues of security that would be needed. Whereas if I stay isolated from the Order, and focus on the project, then it'll be less of a security hazard for both the Order and for the company as a whole."

Iko felt proud of himself for using such big words like exacerbate. But now he went back to being silent, looking between the two, giving them an awkward but polite smile as he was doing his best to try and stay professional.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Valery Noble Valery Noble
Makai listened carefully, sipping his tea. Valery Noble Valery Noble had rightful concerns, but Iko Vel Iko Vel took much of the words out of his mouth. It had been discussed in detail at this point, and it was comforting to see Iko had retained many of the talking points surrounding the subject of the internship. Tea cup was set on the saucer and he finally spoke once Iko looked between himself and the Grand Master.

"I don't think there is any real danger in Iko joining us. The concern would come in with him traveling back and forth for studies, especially with conflict occurring in the Core region. If his vessel was intercepted by Sith or an Empire or pirates...gangsters, I am concerned that it would be traced to the Jedi Temple and the company. There could be a perception of favoritism or an alliance that does not exist, putting employees at the company at risk of retribution. The company works in various regions of the 'verse, I don't think such a risk is out of the realm of possibility."

Iko didn't know it but much of his work would be sticking to friendly zones or in unaffiliated space. There was already the stress of learning something new and leaving much of his life behind, it had been decided to make it easy as possible.

"I will watch over Iko as if he was my own, I wouldn't put him in any position that I wouldn't put my own future children in. We are just trying to cover all bases to ensure safety for Iko and the Jedi, and reducing the back-and-forth was one of the easier solutions. He is free to continue independent study on his own, should you want to give him materials through those six months."


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"Then I have very little concerns," Valery said once they answered the only real question she had. "Being a Jedi is ultimately a choice, so if you want to take a step away, whether temporary or indefinitely, that's your choice. It can complicate your Jedi training, especially if you're away for many years, but I don't believe that's the case here." The Jedi these days weren't as strict anymore either. They often took in students who were already adults and had no training yet.

If they could be trained, Iko could miss months, or even years and still return and become a Jedi Knight. But that would be his choice to make — she just wanted to ensure it all happened safely.

"I can offer study material if he's interested, but I would understand if he preferred to focus on the internship. The doors will be open for you when you choose to return, whether you keep up with Jedi studies or not." Valery offered Iko a smile, then dipped her head to Makai.

"From you, all I expect is that you protect the people under you, the same way I would. I have no reason to doubt that you won't, so you have my blessing."

Iko couldn't help but grin from ear to ear at that. It was a massive relief to know there wouldn't be too much pressure on him to come back to the Order. Honestly, that had been what was worrying him the most. Though there was another thing that had been worrying him. Biting his tongue in thought for a moment as Iko was trying to figure out the best way to explain what else he was feeling worried about...

"I would like to have some form of material to learn from that, if that is alright Ma'am. I still need to get...better control of myself. There was an incident in the past involving myself, another Padawan and a friend of mine alongside pirates that...I did not respond well to. Emotions got out of hand. No-one got hurt though. Well...except for myself, but the ion shot was my own fault."

He explained away, starting to feel a lot more comfortable and letting himself relax instead of staying all professional. It was the main part of the meeting done anyway, right? Iko also had no worries that he wouldn't be looked after. From how Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell had treated him, Iko had full faith in the older man.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Since Valery Noble Valery Noble had very little in the way of concerns, there was no reason for him to chime in on the matter. If she had questions, no doubt she would see fit to ask if something popped into her mind.

Sitting back, Makai sipped his tea as Iko Vel Iko Vel asked about materials and something about getting out of control.

The half-Galan raised his eyebrow at that. He suspected it was nothing serious. Jedi operated like robots and from his view, they seemed to frown on emotions in one extreme or the other.

Except for lust and love maybe. They seem to breed like rabbits.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"I can give you some material for studying, but I will give a fair warning — it's not the same as having in-person classes with Jedi who can show you things. Learning to control your Force sensitivity is one of the most important things we do, so if you struggle with it, please be careful." Reading a few books wasn't going to prevent incidents. He'd have to practice, either on his own or with help. So if he takes on this internship, it'd likely be alone.

But she trusted that he'd take it seriously.

"If that is all, though, I believe we have an agreement?" She had no objections to the internship, as long as Iko's safety was priority and that he'd focus on learning to control his Force sensitivity.

If he didn't, well, they'd find out he's a Jedi quickly enough.



"Sounds like we have an agreement. We will be in touch, Master Noble. Should we have any problems I will be sure to keep you in the loop."

He stood up and shook the woman's hand again. Looked like Iko Vel Iko Vel would be starting to learn his way in the salvage industry sooner than later. Question was, would the Jedi call him back or would be find a home working in the 'verse. Only time would tell.


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