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Approved Starship Lobeha Mwadu III

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Manufacturer: Aurora Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Very Small
Size: Average
  • Classification: Space Superiority/Multirole Starfighter
  • Length: 12 meters
  • Width: 10 meters
  • Height: 3 meters
  • Armament: High
    • Four AI-LC4 "Valefor" Laser Cannons
      • Two Mounted on each Wing, Center Position
      • Two Mounted on each side of the Cockpit
        • Capable of Single-Fire, Quad-Fire, and Stutter Fire
        • Pilot is able to switch between Standard Laser, Particle Cannon, or Pulse Cannon Loadouts
    • Four Starfighter-scaled AI-IC4 "Shiva" Ion Cannons
      • Two Mounted on each Wing, Center Position
      • Two Mounted on each side of the Cockpit
        • Capable of Single-Fire and Quad-Fire
        • Pilot is able to switch between Standard Ion, Chain (Rapid-Fire), Ion Pulse, or Surge Loadouts
    • Two Variable Flex Tube Launchers
      • Two Launchers Mounted under the Cockpit
  • Defenses: High
  • Squadron Count: None
    • One Fighter per Squadron
  • Maneuverability Rating: ExtremeHigh - Coaxium Injection
    • 175 DPF │ 120 DPF
  • Speed Rating: Very HighExtreme - Coaxium Injection
    • Exoatmospheric Realspace Speed: 155 MGLT │ 350 MGLT
    • Atmospheric Speed: Mach 25 │ Mach 30
  • Hyperdrive: Class I
  • Like the Pyrolisk, the Lobeha Mwadu III retains increased firepower and versatility in the form that said firepower can take from its Valefor Laser Cannons and Shiva Ion Cannons. Both weapons are capable of multiple firing types and can have their loadouts switched with the press of a button within the pilot's cockpit. In addition, due to the addition of a number of targeting enhancement systems, the weapons are more accurate and are better able to use all of their effective range.
  • Retained from the stock Pyrolisk, the Lobeha Mwadu III has impressive defenses built around the Golem-type Advanced Plating and a military-grade dual layered deflector shield. The fighter is also equipped with several ordnance countermeasures and jammers for further protection from enemy missiles and torpedoes.
  • The Lobeha Mwadu III is equipped with a Syldra Communications Suite, allowing it to be connected into a telepathic network for nigh undetectable and jammable transmissions or standard communications and encryption systems for compatibility with other communications technology.
  • Synthetic Void Stone is internally distributed within the craft to protect it from the Force. The missiles are coated in the material as well, making it very difficult for Force-sensitives to compromise them.
  • The Lobeha Mwadu III has uprated engines, giving the craft the ability to maintain dizzying speeds and execute dazzling maneuvers.
  • The Lobeha Mwadu III has a full suite of stealth systems, allowing it to maintain an invisible sensor profile during most operating conditions. It is also capable of remaining concealed against most common anti-stealth sensors, including, but not limited to, gravity sensors, crystal gravfield traps, and mass sensors due to its gravitic modulators, magnetic sensors due to its magnetic field generators, thermal sensors, and to a degree, Force Sense and its derivative powers due to the Taozin undercoat and the Void Stone integrated into the craft’s construction. In addition, the Lobeha Mwadu III benefits from the addition of a Phase Masque, which works to effectively distort the craft's visual and sensory profile. Finally, a sensor jammer gives the craft the ability to influence the electromagnetic environment in a given battlespace.
  • If the Ramuh-II power core's preservation field capsule fails or the device is sabotaged, the crystal within sublimated immediately into its plasma state, reducing the power output of the device by roughly half until a new crystal capsule is installed. This applies to the fighter's main power generator and the smaller cores that separately power each weapon system.
  • If the molecular furnaces within the Phoenix Ion Engines become damaged or are sabotaged, they can cause a chain reaction that will consume the engine and significantly reduce the fighter's speed and maneuverability.
  • If a Syldra's internal Seoularian crystal is shattered, it cannot connect to the telepathic network until a new crystal is installed and attuned to the key and anchor crystals that system needs to be connected to. In addition, telepathic messages sent through the network cannot be received by any other system except another Syldra, potentially limiting the capabilities of this feature.
  • The Lobeha Mwadu III is reserved only for a single pilot—Seela Leini. Thus, the craft is rarely seen and is liable to be outnumbered.
  • The internalized Void Stone protects the Lobeha Mwadu III and its pilot from direct applications of the Force. Unfortunately, this means that it can not benefit from friendly uses of it, most notably battle meditation.
Over a number of combat sorties and training missions, Seela Leini developed a strong affinity with the Pyrolisk as she tested and pushed the limits of the craft’s performance. Eventually, her skills with the Pyrolisk outstripped the performance that the stock machine could give her, at which point an upgrade became necessary. To this end, the Lobeha Mwadu III was put together for her. The primary (and most significant) improvements came to the craft’s engine performance, making it faster and more maneuverable to better fit the flying envelope of its pilot.

Additional improvements came from the installation of various offensive support systems, including the FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix, FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System, FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance Network, and the FAE/S-07 Offensive Retention System. All serve to enhance accuracy and precision, optimizing the weapons to a bleeding edge. Stealth systems were added to improve survivability and lethality by making the craft virtually invisible under most operating conditions and nearly impossible to lock onto with targeting systems.

All in all, the Lobeha Mwadu III is a definitive ace custom—an ultra-optimized, bleeding edge version of the Pyrolisk designed to be flown only by a pilot of Seela’s skill.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a unique version of the Pyrolisk for Seela Leini.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: Seela Leini
Model: IS-12 Pyrolisk Starfighter
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Fighter
Modular: Yes
Material: Solarium Glasteel - Viewport, Desh-Terenthium - Outer Layer Hull Plating, Hijarna Stone - Outer Layer Hull Plating, Agrinium - Middle Layer Hull Plating, Laminanium - Middle Layer Hull Plating, Impervium - Inner Layer Hull Plating, Titanium - Inner Layer Hull Plating, Alusteel - Structural Skeleton, Synthetic Void Stone - Internally Distributed, Starship Components and Electronics
Armaments: AI-LC4 "Valefor" Laser Cannon (4)
AI-IC4 "Shiva" Ion Cannon (4)
Variable Flex Tube Launcher (2)
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Very High
Maneuverability Rating:: Extreme
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: Average
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