Locke was raised in a relatively large litter of six pups. Picked out by one Septim Namadi it served faithfully by the Basilisk rider's side for decades before the clan left the planet. After being abandoned it was picked up by the Mandalorian military and used in several wars as a scout animal and to deliver handwritten covert messages by the Ori'ramikade. For the last 200 years it has been serving as a lap strill passed between Mandalorian homes and eventually landing in a Mandalorian animal shelter before being picked up to be gifted by Davin Skirata.
- Intent: To serve as an adorable gift.
- Image Credit: How to properly source your images
- Role: Pet
- Links: N/A
- Age: [300
- Species: Strill
- Height: .5 meters
- Length: .8 Meter
- Weight: light enough to be carried without great strain by most Mandalorians.
- Appearance: An aging strill in the last century or so of its life, Locke is of the hairless variety of strill, most commonly seen on Mandalore. Its whip-like tail was injured at some point in its life, reducing its length and ending it in an obvious stub. It also has one long scar that starts at its left eye and goes up its head and about midway down its back.
- Name: Locke
- Loyalties: Owner
- Notable Possessions: None
- Personality: Locke is an old warrior and is generally uninterested in most things outside of napping and meals. It enjoys to cuddle, though its repulsive smell may make that difficult. Its spent about half a century in a Mandalorian animal shelter waiting for a new owner so it has become a little warry of younger people and young Mandalorians. Despite that it is fiercely loyal and has more combat experience than most people around nowadays.
- Training: Locke was trained as a hunting Strill from birth and later as a combat scout animal during the Dark Times. It has spent the last two centuries as a lap-strill however.
- Combat Function: Strills like to fight up close in personal with their incredibly sharp claws and teeth. They are also strong enough to drag and carry full grown humans and similarly weighted creatures even in flight. Knocking enemies off of their feet with a surprise air tackle and ripping their bodies to shreds is the go to strategy of Locke.
Locke was raised in a relatively large litter of six pups. Picked out by one Septim Namadi it served faithfully by the Basilisk rider's side for decades before the clan left the planet. After being abandoned it was picked up by the Mandalorian military and used in several wars as a scout animal and to deliver handwritten covert messages by the Ori'ramikade. For the last 200 years it has been serving as a lap strill passed between Mandalorian homes and eventually landing in a Mandalorian animal shelter before being picked up to be gifted by Davin Skirata.