Timothy Hoyt
OOC Account
Name: Logno
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Melody
Language: Force Imagery
Average height of adults: 4.572
Skin color: Green, Brown, Black, White, Yellow, Dark Blue, Pink
Hair color: No Hair
Breathes: 78.084% Nitrogen, 20.946% Oxygen, and <1% of (Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Neon, Helium, & Methane)
Force Site: They can see all things through the force; Past, Present, Future. They can also see in the darkest of places through the force.
Force Imagery: They can communicate through sending an image through the force. This can have the added effect of being able to see what another logno is seeing at the time
Force Calm: They can send a calm feeling throughout an area to calm down their prey and get them to come closer to them. This makes it so they don't have to move from their spot.
Long Life: They have an extremely long lifespan. This means that most of their elders are smarter than most.
Thick Hide: They have a lot of fat on them due to inactivity. This makes it so that they aren't easily hurt.
Weaknesses: [2 minimum]
Mute: Just like all natives to Melody, they can not make a sound from their throats.
No Opposable Thumb: They can't pick anything up with their front paws due to them not having opposable thumbs. this is one of the main reasons they haven't made anything even though they have lived for 29.9 Million years.
Laziness: This makes it so that they aren't likely to go anywhere once they choose a spot to stay. This also means that they are likely to procrastinate.
Distinctions: They look like Reptilian Frogs. They are also extremely tall and fat.
Average Lifespan: 511 years
Races: None
Diet: Small Animals and Insects is their main diet, any kind of plant is poisonous to them
Communication: Force
Culture: They have a simple culture. Watch the force, see what is going on, keep an eye out for natural disasters, sit there and do nothing. It has worked for 29.9 million years, why change it?
Technology level: They do not have any technology. All technology on the planet was made or imported by the Musicians who are entertaining to watch.
General behavior: The lazy couch potato, all they do is sit on their logs and watch what ever the force decides to show them, or the animals that decide to come near them, especial the Musicians.
History: 29.9 Millions years of just sitting there and watching the force and avoiding natural disasters.
Force Pandemic & Execution of Music Free Force Users: 5000 Years Ago-5500 Years Ago: This was an awful time for both the logno and musicians. A disease had spread on the planet through the force. Many Musicians thought the "First Spirit" was angry at them because some of the Musicians started to use the force without giving the "First Spirit" an offering of music. The logno had also received the sickness and had requested the musicians to see if they could find a medical reason for it. The musicians refused and instead killed the ones who used the force without giving music to the "First Spirit". A few years later the pandemic stopped spreading and while it was still present, they gained an immunity to it.
Clef's Destruction Prophecy: 2000 Years Ago: The logno had a huge scare in the force. They saw Treble go supernova and wipe out the entire solar system with the exception Bass who grew three times it's current size. However, what is worse is the fact the after the supernova ended, Treble suddenly shrunk and formed a black hole which pulled all the material in the system into it. This pushed the logno to actually looking into ways of leaving the planet along side the Musicians.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: I wanted a species that is lazier then the hutts, but also has a purpose. They are warning systems on the planet for natural disasters. They also are good friends for the Musicians, some of whom actually worship these fat luggs. Though to their credit, most logno don't like being worshipped, though the free food is always appreciated
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Melody
Language: Force Imagery
Average height of adults: 4.572
Skin color: Green, Brown, Black, White, Yellow, Dark Blue, Pink
Hair color: No Hair
Breathes: 78.084% Nitrogen, 20.946% Oxygen, and <1% of (Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Neon, Helium, & Methane)
Force Site: They can see all things through the force; Past, Present, Future. They can also see in the darkest of places through the force.
Force Imagery: They can communicate through sending an image through the force. This can have the added effect of being able to see what another logno is seeing at the time
Force Calm: They can send a calm feeling throughout an area to calm down their prey and get them to come closer to them. This makes it so they don't have to move from their spot.
Long Life: They have an extremely long lifespan. This means that most of their elders are smarter than most.
Thick Hide: They have a lot of fat on them due to inactivity. This makes it so that they aren't easily hurt.
Weaknesses: [2 minimum]
Mute: Just like all natives to Melody, they can not make a sound from their throats.
No Opposable Thumb: They can't pick anything up with their front paws due to them not having opposable thumbs. this is one of the main reasons they haven't made anything even though they have lived for 29.9 Million years.
Laziness: This makes it so that they aren't likely to go anywhere once they choose a spot to stay. This also means that they are likely to procrastinate.
Distinctions: They look like Reptilian Frogs. They are also extremely tall and fat.
Average Lifespan: 511 years
Races: None
Diet: Small Animals and Insects is their main diet, any kind of plant is poisonous to them
Communication: Force
Culture: They have a simple culture. Watch the force, see what is going on, keep an eye out for natural disasters, sit there and do nothing. It has worked for 29.9 million years, why change it?
Technology level: They do not have any technology. All technology on the planet was made or imported by the Musicians who are entertaining to watch.
General behavior: The lazy couch potato, all they do is sit on their logs and watch what ever the force decides to show them, or the animals that decide to come near them, especial the Musicians.
History: 29.9 Millions years of just sitting there and watching the force and avoiding natural disasters.
Force Pandemic & Execution of Music Free Force Users: 5000 Years Ago-5500 Years Ago: This was an awful time for both the logno and musicians. A disease had spread on the planet through the force. Many Musicians thought the "First Spirit" was angry at them because some of the Musicians started to use the force without giving the "First Spirit" an offering of music. The logno had also received the sickness and had requested the musicians to see if they could find a medical reason for it. The musicians refused and instead killed the ones who used the force without giving music to the "First Spirit". A few years later the pandemic stopped spreading and while it was still present, they gained an immunity to it.
Clef's Destruction Prophecy: 2000 Years Ago: The logno had a huge scare in the force. They saw Treble go supernova and wipe out the entire solar system with the exception Bass who grew three times it's current size. However, what is worse is the fact the after the supernova ended, Treble suddenly shrunk and formed a black hole which pulled all the material in the system into it. This pushed the logno to actually looking into ways of leaving the planet along side the Musicians.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: I wanted a species that is lazier then the hutts, but also has a purpose. They are warning systems on the planet for natural disasters. They also are good friends for the Musicians, some of whom actually worship these fat luggs. Though to their credit, most logno don't like being worshipped, though the free food is always appreciated