Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lol Republic, I'm in ur base...

Hello Republic heathens!

This is the OOC thread to let you ladies and gents know that we, the Knights of Ren, are doing a little spying mission on your planet of Nubia and the thread is of course open to any of you who would like to join as well.

But who are the Knights of Ren, you ask? Pssh, they just sound like a bunch of repackaged Sith Lords, amirite?

Well, we're like Sith Lords. Except awesomer. Because we work for the fashy First Order, and if your balls haven't been crushed by us yet, well then now is the time to invest in some steel underwear, my friends,

Altogether, this is a relatively harmless thread and it would be nice to play with some of you guys. Hope you join.


Cristina Zeitlin

Greifen Ren said:
Because we work for the fashy First Order, and if your balls haven't been crushed by us yet, well then now is the time to invest in some steel underwear, my friends,

Because clearly this will get people to want to post with you.
[member="Greifen Ren"]
Unfortunately not everyone is going to get your sarcasm. Some of us will, some of us won't.
And even those that do understand it might not... ahem, 'appreciate' it.

I'll be looking to reply to this regardless, and would be interested in seeing some OOC information about both the Knights of Ren and Chaos' First Order.
No, I won't be using said information IC, but this is the first time I've heard of you lot, so I'd like to hear a bit about you, if only to know what you might want out of this (and future) threads.
Ven'Rain Sekairo said:
Unfortunately not everyone is going to get your sarcasm. Some of us will, some of us won't. And even those that do understand it might not... ahem, 'appreciate' it.
Heh. I'll be sure to put a #triggerwarning on it next time.

For kark's sake.

Anyway, to answer your question, the Knights of Ren are the Force-using cult of the First Order. The First Order is basically a fascist dictatorship aiming to resurrect the ways and culture of the old Empire (just like the movies). The Knights of Ren are simply tools to this end. Think of them like a dark crusading order, not altogether dissimilar to the Sith. Again, very much like the movies.

This would make us natural enemies of anyone who is a Jedi, as well as Republic/Galactic Alliance types. We would be friendly towards Sith, but probably wouldn't see eye-to-eye on everything. Whereas some Sith might stray into "chaotic evil" territory, Knights of Ren are fundamentally characterized by the "lawful evil" type. At least that's been my/our take on it thus far, given the paucity of canon information at hand at this time.

Looking forward to seeing you in the thread.

Braith Achlys said:
You guys must be really fun at parties.
We bring the party.
[member="Greifen Ren"]
This is usually the part where I make a comment on the seriousness of actual, legit trigger warnings (mainly for people with PTSD and similar conditions), but something tells me that the response I'd receive wouldn't be to grand, considering that you're (from what I can tell) attempting to make a joke. Or be sassy/sarcastic. Same thing, right?

Ahem, I'll just make my response to the New Order information. From what you've said, and from what I managed to find on the NO after some 'digging' (oddly enough simply searching the site for the New Order didn't bring much up besides a couple IC threads), I can say that you lot seem to be an interesting take on the Sith-ish (ish being the key) type. I've seen a few different lawful Imperial factions before, but I can't remember to many of them doing well. Though, again from what I've seen, you guys will be working off some of the new canon stuff from TFA, which I assume plenty of people will be metaphorically dying to write about.

If I wasn't already busy with the characters I have now, I think I'd be interested in making an Imperial character to fit in the NO. Alas, I'm busy enough at the moment, what with school and the few characters I'm trying to keep active, so I must simply wish you luck.

And reply to the thread, of course.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Maybe I'm just used to seeing OOC things go downhill really quickly, but this actually doesn't seem that bad to me.
So far, at least. Just a bit of good 'ol eyebrow raising. And sarcasm. Both of which are fine in small enough amounts.
Just wait until we get the gifs out. Then things will be really getting dramatic.
I am to slow to understand if there are some sort of missdirected joke/insult in here.
Keep in mind that this is a written firm and sarcasm is often harder to get unless you know the writer RL.

You seem like a good bunch with clear sith RP before your eyes which I think is great. Unfortunately the GR is struggling with some major threads, invasions and the like in the near future which may make it less likely for peeps to have the time necessary to commit here. I'll see if I can join in later on.

But regardless, any sith faction being sithy evil is always nice me thinks!
Yeah well how about we start by keeping the thread on topic.

The only reason this thread is "dramatic" is because people are choosing to make it so.

Thanks for your interest [member="Mantic Dorn"]. In fact there are only two of us Knights of Ren in this thread, so we won't need a major faction commitment from the Republic. Just a couple writers would suffice. This will be a very low-consequence thread. Hope to see you there, if not, then please feel free to pass it along to anyone else who might be interested.

Yes very low-cosequence...Key word is "Scout"...The knight's wouldn't want to bring everyone along into our party just yet would they... *Authoritative glare*


Togorian Barricade
[member="Greifen Ren"]

I'm not republic or in a position to offer opposition. I was just browsing and saw the drama you got assaulted with.

I just wanted to pop up and give you some support. I got your message and found it to be quite humorous as was clearly the intent.

In the wise words of a drunken student that was posted on reddit: "keep on slayin boi"
[member="Greifen Ren"]


So I am struggling a bit with how to approach you without assuming to much too easily.
But would you say it would be ok if Mantic detected that your ships ID was corrupted and that it originated from a OS world or such? Just to get something to go on?

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