
Name: Zephirine Kideki – Zeph
Alias: ---
Faction: Pending
Rank: Pending
Species: Near-Human
Races: Human, Zeltron, Kraljica
Age: 8
Height: 3’2
Weight: 55 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Very light Cherry Blonde
Skin Pigmentation: Fair
Force Sensitive: Yes
Strengths and Weaknesses
1. Due to the fact that there is a small amount of Zeltron blood flowing through her veins, her attractiveness is significantly higher than the average person. Due to her young age, this attractiveness is more applied to the factor of being "adorable".
2. Because her grandparents are very wealthy, the education she received thus far has been of the highest caliber. She is multi-lingual already and has a solid grasp of elementary math and language.
1. While she's Force Sensitive, she is untrained; meaning that she has literally no means of defending herself.
2. She has an infatuation for "cute" things, which can be utilized against her in order to get her into all sorts of trouble.
Personal Bio.
Born on Coruscant
When she was born Zeph’s father was a member of the Jedi Order, mother was in the Republic Special Forces.
Her mother and father were not home much due to work and spent most of her infant years being raised by her grandparents on Corusant. However in the small span of time she did see her mother and father she was a happy, loved and spoiled rotten little girl. Mostly by her father who could come and see her more often.
But a little after her sixth birthday her mother was killed in action, Zeph did not understand completely what she was being told about how her mother won’t be able to return home anymore. Her father, however, became supremely depressed and obsessed with work. Immediately following the funeral on Tatoonie; her mother’s birthplace, the grandparents took official custody of Zeph and began raising her the best they could.
Even with all they money her grandparents had, but life just wasn’t the same without her parents, lonely and confusing for the most part. Though her father did pop in once every few months to spend time wit her he wasn’t the same; he was an obvious shadow of the jovial person her once was.
Two years after her mother’s death, her father had cast his lot in with the forming Confederacy and their Templar Order and soon thereafter Tatoonie came under their ownership. He had begun to improve in terms of his depression and attempt to spend time with his daughter more.