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Approved NPC Lomejala Adama

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Intent: Jatris Entumaa, Sith, intellectual, and businessman, owns a ship and hates flying himself. Hence, he employs a pilot.
Image Credit: Found on imgur, original source unknown.
Role: Responsible for flying and maintaining Jartris Entumaa's personal ship, the Limiting Factor.
Links: N/A


Age: 28
Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
Species: Mirialan
Appearance: There is something impish about this Mirialan woman's appearance. She is quite short and sturdily built and has a big snub nose. With geometric tattoos on her cheeks and very awake, lucid green eyes, her face is more childishly endearing than genuinely pretty.

She wears simple, high-necked clothes in dark colours, and almost always has one piece of cloth about her that variably serves as a scarf or headscarf. A blaster pistol is usually to be found in a holster on her belt. She flies with a very elegantly designed headset that could almost be mistaken for a piece of jewellery.


Name: Lomejala Adama
Loyalties: Jartris Entumaa
Wealth: Low
Notable Possessions: N/A
Skills: Piloting, Engineering/Mechanics
Personality: One's first impression of Lomejala is that she is unassuming and professional. Around unfamiliar people, she tends to be quiet, to the point of it being difficult to have much of a conversation with her. Once she warms up to a person, however, her inner life comes to surface: Lomejala is playful and possessed of an enthusiasm for exploring and understanding things. The intense fascination she is capable of is often quite incomprehensible to others. While she is naturally kindly disposed towards people and not competitive, she is not in danger of losing herself in altruistic pursuits.


Weapon of Choice: Ship's Guns; Blaster Pistol
Combat Function: Lomejala went through rushed training as a military pilot in wartime, but proved very talented, though not very resilient to the physical stress a fighter pilot may be exposed to. Handling slightly larger ships such as troop transports and gunboats, however, she is very resourceful and a force to be reckoned with. While basic military training has taught her to handle a blaster as well, she is a rather bad shot for lack of practice in recent years.


Lomejala Adama was born in a mining town on Mirial, far from the small temperate regions of the planet where limited agriculture was possible. When she was a teenager, surrounded by land- and airspeeders that were necessary to get anywhere interesting, she developed a fascination for them for the freedom they represented. Wishing to become a pilot, she applied to the Mirialan navy, but was rejected for failing the exacting standards of physical fitness. Tests revealed, however, high intelligence and mechanical aptitude, and so she was offered to train as an engineer instead, which she accepted.

The multiple conquests of Mirial, as the planet was being tosses around by the wars that tore through the north of the galaxy, saw her working first as a mechanic, and then as a reserve pilot, as the military could not afford to waste its limited personnel on anything without immediate practical effect. This service left her severely traumatised and Lomejala was discharged. She was then found by Jartris Entumaa in his search for a private pilot, and since the job was, to all appearances, of a purely civilian nature, she accepted. Having discovered her disturbed mental state, the Sith decided to perform an experiment by applying his mentalistic abilities in an attempt to set her in order, which succeeded. Returned to a sunnier place, Lomejala has since been slavishly devoted to her employer, well aware of his nature as a Dark-Side Force user, but quite unperturbed by it.
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