Elyssa Kala'myr

Location: Denon Shopping Village
Objective: Buy new clothes
Powderpunk armor on loan from Daiya- ap-25i SIMP pistol
- 'Candles' Heavy particle blaster
'confetti' Rocket launcher- Party Poppers (2 explosive, 1 gas)
Dancer repulsor board- Dervish Knife
- Cheap data pad and communicator
Poor Hex hears voices in her head
Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself
Hexes inner voices
Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter
Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself
Hexes inner voices
Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter
Today was shopping day, a little trip that Hex and

She looked at her friend Hilal and grinned, "I don't normally do this, I usually make my own." The blade continued to spin in her hands.
'...over there, man in grey, keeps looking at you...'
"..uh-huh.." she responded.
She looked over at him, and glared at him until his own gaze was broken. She then rolled her eyes and nudged Hilal for attention again. "I haven't got a lot of cash right, but i don't want you to just offer to pay for everything."
'...she probably knows by now...'
'...but what if she thinks we are just milking her?...'
"shhhhhh, yeah"
"its just..." she finally spoke to Hilal again instead of her voices, "I dont like to take advantage." she smiled again as the craft buped to a stop outside a large shopping centre with large entry way and vaulted glass ceiling, it would have been almost beautiful if it wasn't in the shadows of the taller buildings, it certainly had the feel of a building that used to be top layer before it had fully grown.
Hex thought about the changing rooms too, that was annoying, she didnt like trying stuff on, and she wasnt as pretty as Hilal, so the stuff wouldnt look right on her anyway.
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