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Invasion Long Live The Empire | DE Invasion of GA held Coruscant & Anaxes


Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris

Following the raid on the Imperial capital of Carlac, the DARK EMPIRE retaliates with their long-awaited plan to wrestle the jewel of the Core Worlds from the hands of the valiant GALACTIC ALLIANCE.

After extensive preparations, amassing their fleet, launching war games, and weeks of gathering armament, the GALACTIC EMPEROR has finally made his will clear - the immediate reclamation of the galactic capital, CORUSCANT.

A transmission broadcasts across the galaxy, reaching out to the hearts of all imperial citizens and sympathizers. The GRAND VIZIER spurs the masses with her charismatic war cry, forewarning what terrible storm was about to rage over the Core Worlds. The opening salvo had long since finished.

The CORE WARS had truly begun..


Chapter One: Eclipse

The Galactic Alliance has long been preparing for this inevitable scenario, a planetary invasion of the Galactic Capital, formerly the seat of the Alliance government. The Dark Empire meticulously enacts it's multi faceted siege with relentless drive and ambition. Arriving just outside the edge of the system, tripping the early warning system developed by Naboo, they approached with a multi-directional assault, targeting for the weakest spots in the planetary shields. Then began the prodding, the bombardment which gave the GADF time to amass their forces and prepare as to not be spread thin. The two naval forces clashed, but alas it was too late.

Eventually the formidable and expertly crafted shield generator would give in.

The Imperial Starfleet clashes with the Galactic Alliance Defense Force! The Empire have breached the shield generator and their navy has poured into the atmosphere, the Alliance in anticipation for this inevitable moment engages them above the skyscrapers of Coruacant. Engage in high-stakes low atmosphere dogfights above the spires of Coruscant, fleeting, and intensive boarding actions against enemy vessels. In Medias Res.
  • Pilot your starfighters through the dense cityscape, engaging enemy forces in aerial combat. Use the urban environment to your advantage, employing hit-and-run tactics and evading pursuers among the towers.
  • Board enemy capital ships and secure key points within their structure. Sabotage critical systems to cripple their fleet's capabilities, or lead the charge as a powerful star destroyer and fleet to your hearts content.
  • Beware! A slumbering giant will soon awaken that surely would upset the balance.


Chapter Two: House of Cards

The New Jedi Temple is yet again under threat of attack. Previously destroyed by the New Sith Order during the Second Great Hyperspace War, the New Jedi Order will not let this atrocity happen again. After evacuating their younglings and those unfit for combat to the mobile academy "Prosperity", the NJO executes their plan flawlessly - creating a trap for the encroaching forces of the Dark Empire. As the Dark Side Elite and New Sith Order advance into the heart of the temple, they find themselves quickly under attack, surrounded by the GADF and New Jedi Order both within and at the entry way of the temple, barring further diagrace. In Medias Res.

  • As members of the New Jedi Order, set up traps and surround the invaders. Use the temple's architecture to create choke points and defeat the Sith at their own game.
  • For players on the Imperial side, either as a member of the New Sith Order or Dark Side Elite, break through the initial ambush and secure a defensible position within the temple, fighting off relentless counterattacks. Utilize Sith tactics and Imperial training to overcome Jedi defenses.
  • Dueling or small squad based combat is recommended.


Chapter Three: Total War

Engage in large-scale ground battles across Coruscant. Participate in dynamic war-posting, using a battle map to track and communicate the progress of both sides. Mark the capture or defense of specific areas, and contribute to the narrative of either the successful defense or impending fall of Coruscant. In Medias Res.

  • As part of the Imperial Army, lead armored divisions and Stormtrooper Corps in a full-scale assault against well-entrenched GADF positions. Use innovative tactics to break through their defenses and capture key strategic points.
  • For GADF forces, utilize the prepared fortifications and traps to repel the Imperial offensive. Hold your ground at critical checkpoints, coordinating with allied units to maximize defensive capabilities.
  • As members of the ISB or SIA intelligence communities, Church of the Dark Side, or Mercenaries of either faction - Capture high value targets, seek out critical data to help push operatives on the front line forward or simply get rid of the enemy commanders to see the day through.

Special shout-out to Avelion for the amazing art and Annasari for the inspiration from the previous Great Battle of Coruscant.





High above the eternal city, ancient heart of the Galaxy, he looks down.

It still beats, even as it is being ripped out by the iron claw.

Where sun once glistened off the chrome, flames are the illumination.

Luster is defiled and painted black by the smoke of the burning industrial hellscape.

The Prophet, the Lord of Fear, can see it all from on high.

Deaf to the screams, he hears a symphony.

Blind to the carnage, he sees a stunning Vista.

This tower was once a living space, but its empty halls have become graveyards.

Elsewhere on Coruscant he is sure the dead walk, but in his domain, in this tower he has conquered and made his sanctuary for the battle unfolding, the dead sleep soundly. It is the living who do not.

The stunning scene of the Imperial attack can be seen as far as the eyes, but the view of the Jedi Temple and the Senate Building in the distant east are Vinaze's visionary prize.

From the streets below the smoke rises in concert with the advancing columns of Stormtroopers inching ever closer to the domination of the Federal and Temple Districts, and then the Galactic Core in totality.

Turning from the destruction, back to the ruined penthouse that has become the temporary headquarters of the Odojinyakaar, Vinaze nods to his congregated assassins, and his apprentice. They know their duty, to protect him, to die in his name. He need say nothing more to them.

The Sith Lord sits, crossing his legs in meditative form on the edge of the building, whipped by the smoked wind through the giant ruined window.
Closing his eyes, he smells victory.

He begins a chant in the ancient tongue of the Sith, and around him a purple forcefield bubbles, a final layer of protection should his acolytes fail.
His chant continues, guttural yet melodic, for the Sith language was spoken in funeral dirges.

The air of Coruscant is indeed like a funeral, for democracy, for peace, for freedom, all being laid into the ground. The people mourn, filled with a feeling of utter abandonment. The Coruscanti knew as soon as the politicians evacuated to Fondor and the wealthy fled to a myriad other safer worlds that they were alone, and that the Empire would come imminently. Desperation, hopelessness, and reckless abandon grip the populace. It is a palpable fear that the Prophet grasps, and twists for the sick achievements of the New Sith Order.

Across the cityscape around Vinaze's tower, those who draw from the power of the Dark Side feel a shift. They feel the tingle, a cold shudder down the spine, perhaps a gnawing, creeping fear deep inside, a glimpse perhaps of what is felt by the people they have come to conquer, and then it is gone. Doubt, anxiety, fear, leave the body and the mind.

It is a battle meditation, felt not only by the Sith and their soldiers, but perhaps too by the Jedi should they, in desperation, touch the darkness. Fearlessness is instilled in the darkness, as Vinaze reaches out across the Force and consumes the fears of the Galaxys heart, empowering himself for the inevitable arrival of Jedi to strike him down as another Sith Lord who is crime against all that is good.

(Story to be continued from the POV of Sorren Moonstrider)

Vinaze's battle meditation is primarily a set piece for my duel with the great Jedi Amani Serys Amani Serys and Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn . Don't feel like you have to acknowledge it if it doesn't fit your story. If any Sith (or tempted Jedi) writers wish to use the effects of the battle meditation as flavor for your duels I would be honored, but please work it out with your writing partner and agree on it. Happy invasion, Long Live the Empire!

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