Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Long Live... This Stranger!

The art of bluffing was more or less. A game of timing. It didn't matter so much how you pulled it off, why you pulled it off, where or why, neither. It was all about the when. Sure. Being charismatic helped. Having a motive for it would inspire one to try harder.. As well as bluffing to a crowd was much more difficult than pulling a fast one on an individual. Above all it was guaging the when. If you bluffed too often, or played a bluff at a poor timing. People were placed onto guard, on top of the fact the bluff was destined to fail. After all the boy could call wolf only so many times. As well as it was sobering to watch a bluff get filleted right in front of you by someone who knew they outclassed you.

How is this information relevant? Seth had to pull a bluff.. And quite frankly a risky one. He riddled it with partial truths sure. Though the stakes was probably his life. He couldn't take on a frigate worth of crewmen by himself. Especially considering he was.. Not per se trained in the ways of the force. Not at least like the standard force user of his age. His mentor often avoided training him, and though he knew the basics.. And was strong with the force. Seth had to mostly self teach himself what he knew. He could put up one hell of an effort though, and if angry it might be a no one survives effort. Though this too was off topic.

Seth was on his way towards Tythe. The crew members were.. Notorious to say the least. Definitely in a shady and questionable manner. If he thought about it enough. Though his intentions were often good. He had done things.. Like as of the moment.. Would make him fit right into this sort of crowd. Seth had black mailed the captain. Though the information he had was real. The fact he had someone else who knew about it and would pass it along was not. So, as Seth set hovering five metallic, diamond shaped, meditation stones. One could only imagine the breath of relief he had when the landing protocols began.

Seth stood up and slipped his hood up over his head. Being in a better mood than most days. Considering he was still alive. Seth chose to go with a cobalt blue hooded robe. With dark grey pants. His standard black shoes. As well as his standard charcoal grey short sleeved shirt beneath the robes. He slipped his stones into various hiding places. Then checked his force imbued metallic staff. Sheathing it into a holder on his back. Seeming it was his only defense with his sharp metallic stones.

When the bay door opened. Seth was one of the first to exit. However, as he was leaving. He caught word of some men itching to get their hands on some woman, in an effort to get some good bit of credits. Ignore it... Ignore it... Seth tried to convince himself sticking his nose into this would be bad. Though after debating his consciousness took the bait. While he sighed. Great. Here he was on Tythe, and he was going to be spending his time. Tailing the low life's he travelled with just to save some... Wait... Seth paused and listen closer. He swore he heard royalty?

Oh... Please.. Please... Nope. Gah. Seth was too far into the cause to bail. This was not good for survival! Though at the same time. Seth refused to have some person be turned into the means for a profit. When he was aware of what was going on.. And had the opportunity to choose to interfere. So, as the men set out to prepare for their operation. Seth was silently trailing them, and planning how to crash their party.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
Tythe had seem a rather large grown in population as of late, as more cities were build more people could be housed, as more people could be housed those looking for a world free from war and affordable homes increased. It was a much needed influx for a planet with less then a million citizens, but slowly with the major resotriation project underway the once toxic barren world was being resorted to it's former glory. Just like it's sister planet of Naboo the large open fields, hilly ranges and valleys would be lush a green would return.

At the top of it all was Princess Chikako Fredirka Liona, one of the last known survivors of the Noble house from Eshan, their family having being targeted by some unknown group that did not take kindly to their attempts to men the rift between Ehcani and their neighbors. Through it all though the young girl had lived, starting from the bottom with amnesia as a smugglers aid, traveling over the galaxy in search of the witches of Dathomir for their help, partaking in things that a noble women shouldn't but in the end it was worth it.

After gaining a magical artifact that would slowly fixed her broken mind the young girl had risen through the ranks of the CIS. From but a mere witch initiate in the Mandagora, to being an assistant to a Vicroy, to now governing... no Ruling her own planet. Such would be a tail worthy of a book, but for the time being the princess had much more pressing matter on her mind. As of this moment the princess sat atop the silver throne, listening to one of her guards read out a report on the current ships that had arrived in the port of Yorkshire.

"Well all seems to be in place, though may I have the 1st Regiment on alert due to the recent influx, though I wish to make this planet free as possible we cannot allow just anyone to enter". The Royal Fusilier gave a quick bow to her ruler before relaying the message to the regiment commander, the young Echani slumping down in her seat a little, "ahh all done for the day, things are really stepping up". At the rate of paper work increasing each day perhaps it would be wise to appoint some of the nobles to oversee certain areas, it was just no longer practical to have herself make all the decisions alone.

Standing to the side one of the Life Guards gave a small smirk, "looks like someone needs a nice warm bath, shall I get the staff to prepare one"? The youthful ruler looked back with a child like smile, "yes please that would be great, I will be there in 10 minutes". She still needed to stay seated least anyone wished to bring something to her attention, it was apart of her policy to try and converse with even the lowest class citizen of the Imperium.

[member="Seth Brackson"]
Seth eventually lost his lead. Though not before picking out the who. Which was relatively good information. As it allowed him to determine where he was off to next. He figured a good start to crashing a plan of an abducted ruler. Was to begin by making the ruler aware. How? Seth was not certain. He didn't have much of experience when it came to dealing with politics, nor nobles.

Seth headed off towards the Viceroy palace though. He figured that would be his best bet of an area to stumble across a noble. He wondered the palace's policy on weapons amoungst it. Considering he carried only a staff and a set of stones. He was hoping he would be able to slip by without much of a problem. Especially, considering he did have urgent matters to report to the ruler, about her personal well being.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
The crowd around the princesses residence in Yorkshire was reasonably small at this hour, most people having left to carry out other business, even still the Royal Fusiliers stood out front on guard. It didn't take them long to noticed the new individual approaching, their sense keen and aware, on approaching him, raising her hand a little to get them to halt.

"Good evening may I ask why you are here? do you seek an audience with the princess or are you just sight seeing"? Her tone was calm and friendly, even if herself and all those around her were more then ready to shoot the man dead if he tried anything erratic."If you wish to talk with her you are just in time, her meeting sessions were just about finished and no one else is currently lined up at the moment".

[member="Seth Brackson"]
Seth watched a lady guard approach him. He slowed to a stop and muttered under his breath. Before he listened to what the guard had to say. "Oh... Um, If the princess is the head of govermental things here.. I'd really appreciate a meeting with her, Miss." Seth replied and fidgeted some. Wanting to address his matter with the individual at risk. He assumed the people meant to protect could always over hear him as he talked with the princess. Therefore, he was only wishing to state the problem once.

Seth looked about the palace and sighed softly. "I'll have time to sight see another moment." He muttered more to himself then the guard. Well, provided the meeting was to go fine. He assumed that the princess was probably ready to be done with the day. He might even offer a cup of tea. Again, he wasn't really familiar with formal procedures. He was just viewing this as meeting with someone, and this someone merely had quite a bit more shiny things than the average person.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
The guard gave a small nod, waving a few comrades over, "we can have you escorted to the throne room were you can meet with the princess, we will just have to ask you to surrender any weapons before hand and give your a frisky". The two guards would go to work checking Seth out and removing and threat before escorting him to the main chamber, passing through other guards and members of the nobility before reaching the throne room.

Soon he would be lead to the silver Throne, a room with chairs on the side, with a small pathway leading up to the middle, were a ornamented silver chair stood with Chikako seated upon it, the young women giving a nice warm smile. The two guards would lead Seth up to the throne, flanking the man on either side, "Princess this man wished to take an audience with you". "Very good, please, tell me who you are and why you have come here this day".

[member="Seth Brackson"]
"But.." Seth didn't finish before the guards had already got to work patting him down. Removing him of what little defenses he had. Then guiding him into the throne room. Leaving Seth smoldering a little. Not angry, as if he was angry. Seth wouldn't be as subtle to let the guards move him into the room.. Escort him.. Whatever in the name of the force they felt they were doing. Without having made it crystal clear he had a serious disagreement with their methods.

Seth looked around the room and his eyes shot to the woman who spoke. He blinked a few times. Okay.. Seth expected a monarch to be nice looking. Though not This good looking. It took a moment for him to process things. As his clenched fists slowly relaxed and he heaved a sigh. "My name is Seth Brackson." He started with and sighed trying to think how to appropriately address the matter. "If I could politely request the guards be relocated somewhere not directly behind my back, I would appreciate it. I already had to drop what little gear I had, and coming from the streets, Miss. I am already more than uncomfortable, without having two guards breathing down my neck." Seth admitted and frowned a little bit. Before he shifted his stances. Bouncing a little on his feet as a nervous gesture.

"As for why I am here, Miss. The short response is. I have information regarding a plot to have you kidnapped." Seth came to his point shortly afterwards. "As for the detailed version of it. Could I by chance encourage you to discuss it over a cup of tea. Long journey. Would calm my nerves a bit. So, I might clearly express the extent of the problem." He said as he shifted on his feet once more. Trying to hold his attention to the woman on the throne. Though unable to help, but occasionally cast a glance back at the guards. Out of a habit that had formed from living off the streets. Making sure they were jot taking any steps to harm him.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
Chikako cocked head to the side at the mans request after the short introduction, "you will have to forgive them it is standard practice, I may be more down to ground and willing to meet with anyone on a whim that will want to see me but I cann't simple forgo safety". If anyone was to try and do what Seth did with any other Viceroy they would need to be put on a list and sent through some mediator before even being allowed to speak with a them. Even then such a talk would probably be done over a holo gram then face to face.

With a small wave the two guards moved back to the door way, giving Chikako and Seth a bit of room to talk, though she didn't really know why it was necessary. Even such if the man proved to be trouble she could deal with it on her own, though to be honest she was not really prepared for what was to come from the mans mouth. "You say, there is a plot to kidnap me, but also complain about my guards protectiveness and procedures, my you are quite the interesting person, tell me, what information do you have on these people"? "It does not have to be anything overly detailed, any information on what the people looked like, were we may find them something along those origins".

She maintained the cheerful smile and clam manner, but deep down her mind was abuz, was it one of her families rivals? Some mercenary group hired by them? She didn't know, but the minute Sith had uttered his words a silent alert was put out by the royal guard. They knew such a day would come, and if serious the group was more then ready to get things done, what ever the cost.

[member="Seth Brackson"]
Seth sighed softly. No tea. Well that was fine. Though the snipping about his preferences. Annoyed him enough he had to bite his tongue a little bit harsher. To avoid chewing her out, about how life was like living off the street, by yourself, and not on a cushy chair, protected by a highly trained militia. On the other hand he also saw her logic. About how ridiculous it sounded having him request the guards take a step back, only to admit he came to express she was in danger.

"I am not overly interesting. I am just not your enemy. Irregardless about the fact you have not known me enough to have proving such a thing. Back to the topic at hand however. I learned the information upon over hearing a group aboard an unmarked frigate I had acquired passage on. Which arrived earlier this day. Though not all the crew I feel is affiliated with the organization intent on kidnapping you. I do know the members consisted of a mix of races, and was headed by the captain of the frigate. Who's name, or alias, is Darius Findell. He is.. A peculiar fellow. Though the men I was tailing to try and learn more from, ended up lost amongst the streets." Seth expressed to the princess. His tone calmer now that he had time to both get past the agitation, and processed the guards had given him room.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
Chikako nodded slowly as Seth continued to talk, but noted a flare in his emotions, from what she could tell they were a user of the force to some regard though his signature was muddled. Either way it was not hard to pick up a little amount of anger from the man as he spoke, certainly making things interesting and rather strange. "Well this seems like quite the serious topic, I feel that we should take this talk somewhere else, please follow me such a conversation is something to talk about in private". Visitor time was over and other matters needed to be attended to, so a little walk and talk would have to be put in place for such meeting, that and she couldn't dismiss the man, or let him go in light of this revelation.

With a wave of her hand she beckoned the stranger along with the two guard to follow, herself leading the small group out of the throne room and into the nearby hallway, it's length made from stone and other martial reminiscing to a Gothic era castle. "I'll have the royal guard see into this matter, due to most of the population being refugees and migrants from the core world as a resettlement program all ships are cataloged before entering I am certain they can track this ship down". "While that is being under taken I have to ask Mr Brackson, why did I feel a hint of anger come from you as we talked"? "You wish not divulge it to me if you do not want to, but it does peak my interest never the least".

[member="Seth Brackson"]
Seth glanced around the place as they walked. While he did his best to ignorr the guards hovering behind him. While he walked along with the princess. Though when she began talking. He did devote his attention to her words. Though he blinked as she inquired about his emotions. He sighed softly and hummed a soft note. "Miss, princess, your highness? However you prefer me to address you quite honestly. I often would prefer keeping such topics to myself. However, seeming you were considerate enough not to try and insist I tell you. I will at the very least note. Frustration and anger is not the same thing, despite being very close in nature. I was frustrated. You will know very very clearly if and when I get angry." Seth responded to her in a calm and gentle manner.

He looked to her and studied her up and down. Before smiling a soft manner of a smile. "As for why I was frustrated. It was merely a judgement lapse on my behalf. I had to just think a bit more into the matter." He admitted honestly. While he looked around the building once more. He thought about what she said regarding the tracking of ships. Nodding his head some. That was definitely a wise thing to do. "So, how may I help you in regards of this matter?"

[member="Chikako Liona"]
"Fredrick is fine, the title princess is more just for official reports, tends to get a little tiresome to have everyone call me that over and over again, though many insist upon it, who am I to stop them". Well she could but it was an aspect of the Imperium for each person to have free choice, within reason that is. His reply though did not answer the question which she had originally posed to the man, only making things more odd in their conversation, but for the moment she would leave it be, there was bigger fish to fry. "Duly noted, though I hope such anger would not be directed at me in any way, I'd rather avoid having to harm you in some manner, though I am glad this lapse has passed".

The group would come to another room, that had a holo table and several chairs arranged around in circles, Chikako sitting at the head one which overlooked small read out and other information babble, said area having a few strange cloaked people from the Mechanicum and guards present. "Okay Mr Brackson, what I am going to ask you to do may be dangerous and a little shady, but this matter which you have brought forward is nothing new, truth be told I believe I know who these kidnappers may be working for, and such a possible threat will not a first". "You have already been on the ship p[probably to some extent and do not have any tranport of your ow, further more a place like Tythe at the moment has little room for workers of people of potential". "As such I would ask your to return to the ship and act as a spy, mingle with the crew, make it look as if you want to go to another CIS world to look for better opportunities, such would make sense, after all Tythe is still 90% toxic waste land". It would work as good cover, even more so with the large influx of people and a current lack of proper homes to shelter them all.

"Once you get as much information as possible return to a temporary civi shelter and act as a regular migrant, my guards will meet with you there with which you pass the information off to, hopefully we can get these people down an under wraps without to much drama and collateral". "That being said this is voluntary, you need not take up with task, I am certain my troops will be able to take care of things easily enough", if but within a longer time span. She would sit there in a poise but relaxed position while awaiting Seths reply, hoping he would say yes, but ultimately going to respect what ever decision he came too.

[member="Seth Brackson"]
"Nor would I have any desire to harm you to any extent." Seth responded in turn. While he followed her into the room. He stood and waited patiently. While she gave him a run down of the task. He got lost into thought how best to make that work. He lacked resources to buy passage. He already used up the blackmail card. He hummed a note as a single concept came to mind of what he could do. Though it would take a little bit of time to manage.

He looked back to the princess. "Well. I suppose a scouting mission isn't the hardest thing to be asked of me. If it is what you desire. Consider me on board. I came here to see what I could do to help stop them after all." Seth responded after a short moment. He got to thinking as the princess held a poise. Yeah. Perhaps his frustrations had been a bit extensive. Considering despite looking relaxed. Seth noted the princess probably had to keep her appearance, actions, and words in check. Almost every single moment of every single day. Sure he was living off the street. Though at least he had freedom to act how he felt and wished to, more often than not.

"Is there anything else you ask of me, or have to discuss with me?" Seth asked her calmly. While he reached for his meditation stones. Wanting to roll them in the palm of his hand as a habit. Only to remember they had been with his stick, removed from him. Which reminded him why he also was a bit in a snippy mood. Though not nearly enough for it to show anymore. While he just accepted things for what they were.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
SHe gave him a warm smile, glad to have his cooperation in this matter, "well I could have gathered as such, but you know, some people are the 'quite while ahead type', want to do good things but stop when they themselves may be in danger". "Though I have a feeling you are someone who can take care of themselves, but do not hesitate to ask if you need some help with such an assignment, it is imperative that this thread be taken care of as quickly as possible". Her tone becoming a little more serious then before, the young women crossing her arms and looking towards the current hlo read out.

"I will be frank with you Mr Brackson, this little kidnapping scheme is nothing new, nor do I think it will be the last attempt on my life or this growing Impeirum, in short I have enemies, people who never really liked my family due to their wiliness to try and mend the rift between us Echani and our neighboring relatives". "I, as far as I know am y the only surviving member of my house, most of us dying in a ship attack on Naboo, leaving only me alive and with amnesia, stuck in the middle of the forest, broken bones, bleeding legs and no idea who I was or what to do". She let out a small sigh, remembering those hard times, thankful those who attacked just assumed she would die in the Naboo jungles and didn't bother to finish her off.

"It took me several years of crawling my way through the bottoms of galactic society, running with smugglers, gangs and what I could manage to scrape up before I found out my origins on Dathomir thanks to the witches and surprising enough an old family friend". "Even then working my way up the political ladder of the CIS was no easy feat, from a mere witch in their Mandagora to a Viceroy of a barren waste land no one wanted to govern... but I made it either way, but now my enemies are aware of myself being alive and will probably not stop until I am dead, that, is, why, this, problem, must, be, deal, with". Her tone became dark, a small flare of anger came from her voice before subsiding, her normal look returning as she gazed back to Seth, "Hopefully I can count on you to complete this mission without much problem, the future of this planet is depending on it".

[member="Seth Brackson"]
Haste. Well his card went out the window. He also refused the secondary option of asking for resources. It would be too suspicious if he magically acquired the means to buy passage. While he hummed a few notes to himself. Pondering the most likeliest of solutions. Finally, he gave a nod of his head. "I can do it." He replied in short. He would get aboard the vessel, and he would find out more about what was happening.

Seth thrummed his fingers against his legs. "May I be dismissed now, please?" He finally asked. Wanting to get started on his task. Sooner more so than later. Plus, he was ready to be reunited with his gear. Hoping that this being stripped of equipment wasn't going to be a increasingly common occurence.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
She gave one more nod to the man, giving a small wave to the nearby guards, the red cloaked women coming over and handing the mans back back that contained all his metallic objects and other equipment, "we will try to keep tabs on you most of the way but do not expect us to be there all the time, we must keep our distance least the kidnappers find out". Chikako would give a bow, letting on of the guards direct Seth back down the hallway and out of the palace, the guards women giving her own bow towards the nearly recruited men before retaking her position at the palace entrance, below a widow from which the princess was looking out.

"Is it wise to trust in that man"? the remaining guard said with a doubtful voice, standing just behind the monarch. Though unseen by the guard Chikako's expression had completely changed, a small shadows cast over her face, eyes slant and sharp as she looked towards the space port, "yes I believe so, and if not, we can do things more forcefully, this is to save face and take care of this threat without people knowing about it and causing problems, but most of all this is revenge, revenger for mother... these people won't die a quick death". "I understand... Empress".

[member="Seth Brackson"]
Seth was pleased to have his gear back. He almost even seemed bubbly that his tools were returned. While he bowed in return to the princess. Then made his way out thinking upon the words of the princess. He wasn't sure the prospect of being watched was a comforting thing. While he also bowed to the guard. Then walked off towards the space port. He thought about the force and it's applications. His old mentor had a trick up his sleeve that made people a little more.. Compliable. Though it was a trick Seth himself never technically looked into. First time for everything he guessed.

Seth detoured off into an alleyway. Where he stumbled upon a passerby. Seth wondered how this worked. He thought back to his mentor. He always observed him waving his hand. Reaching out with the force and speaking the suggestion. That surely wasn't too difficult. Seth moved to block the man's path. While he attempted to reach out to the man with the force. "You wish.." And thud.. Seth watched as he tossed the man to the side into the wall of the alley. Whoops.. That was definitely not the effect he was going for!

The man staggered back to his feet. While Seth grabbed his staff and twisted his body to the right. While the man drew a blaster and took a quick and shaky shot at him. "Mis..." The hum of another bolt flew and nearly smoked him in the face. Fine.. Fine.. Seth tucked his shoulders and rolled closer to the man raising his staff up into the man's groin. "Sorry." Seth appologized as the man doubled over. Seth made a second swiping of his hand as he threw the man into the wall with intent this time. As he watched the man crumble to the ground. "Well.. Beggars cannot be choosers." He stated and shrugged.

Haste.. Well he scored high points there at least. Now he needed to focus as he paced back and forth. Thinking about what he did wrong. He reached out with the force towards the man. Yes. Though physically.. Seth assumed he needed to reach out mentally. Which was a slight bit more difficult. At least for Seth who would honestly prefer to ragdoll an enemy over encourage co-operation. Which is when an idea came to Seth's mind. Ha! He ragdolled an enemy.. And no ordinary person is scurrying about the allyways armed.. He was a point ahead in this matter.

Seth went through the man's pockets searching for some ID. As well as picking off the credits. When he found what he needed. He wasn't overly suprised. This man was a smuggler. Seth hummed at his luck and smirked. It meant the man wouldn't be to keen of going to the authorities. He took the time to be corteous enough to prop the man against the wall. While Seth opened his bag and found a stim pack. Placing it on the man's body so when he stirred he had something to aid with any injuries he may of sustained.

With the newly acquired credits. Seth set out to return to the ship. To seek passage as a 'refugee.' Intent on trying to find a new world to settle on with better job opportunities. When he got into the space port. He hummed a soft and content note. While he figured he was about to enter the point of no return.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
While Seth went about his current mission Chikako went to work assembling certain members of the Royal guard, most notably those with talent in secretive missions and espionage. In light of this new issue the need for some sort of secret service, under cover agents, shadow operatives and people of those sorts would be needed to thwart any further attempts on her life. One by one several guards men and women entered into the operation center, all loyal beyond measure, willing to do what ever it took to make sure the planet and it's ruler would succeed in their goal.

"Everyone, I am sure you already know the situation that is taking place at the moment, it seems my families enemies are still quite active and are at large, the recent kidnap plot which has come to light no doubt being one among many threats to my rule". "As Tyhe grows and become more prosperous in the Galaxy no doubt such attempt and possible attacks will increase, those among the Echani high born and those from the other planets will view me as a constant threat". "As such I will need tot make measure to protect myself and the interests of the Imperium, but at the same time cannot afford to let the public know about this danger, which I why I need your help".

The assembled members of the Imperial Guard gave quick nods in response, though not knowing the full extend of the task at hand each was more then eager to lend their aid in this matter. "From this day forward all of you will be apart of a shadow operative unit that will be set up, your task will involve espionage of questionable dealings, to silence and take out those that would cause problems in the Imperium, but most of all thwart any more attempts on my life, I am the last of the Liona family, and my enemies want to make sure I never regain my stature". "It will be tough, some of you standing here today may die but I am certain all of you are more then capable of taking on this task, do you accept".

Without hesitation all those present saluted, "yes Princess"!! She gave them all a nod, bringing up a data pad, a holo image coming forward. "This here is [member="Seth Brackson"], a man who came forward detailing the plot, your first mission is to make sure he succeed in his current task on find information about the kidnappers". "You must not reveal yourself to him or any potential suspects, just watch from affair and clean up any problems he may leave behind, remember this is a sneaking mission, do not make contact with any enemy, don't engage them in combat either, Operation Pit fall is ago".
Seth threw up his hood. Turning his staff into a walking stick. While he approached the ship. He walked up to the guy standing by the vessel's enterance. Approaching and reaching out. Offering the credits. "Passage to the next refugee world you plan to embark to." Seth spoke simply and shortly. While thr man quirked an eyebrow. "Aren't you oftly familiar looking?" He responded to Seth. Who in turn heaved a soft sigh. "Am I? I mean I do travel quite often. World to world. Trying to find a home to settle down at with more stable business opportunities. We've probably crossed paths a time or two for that reason." Seth responded to the man.

The man scratched his head a few times. While Seth digged through and pulled out a few extra credits. "Please?" He insisted to which the man watched. "Fine... Fine.. We've got the room." He said and swooped up the credits. Pocketing the amount that was not needed for the passage alone. While Seth heaved a soft sigh and entered the ship. Finding his way to the passenger's quarters. Moving past individuals and starting to scan any signs of people who he recognized from the gang, whom would be in on the plot.

[member="Chikako Liona"]
Chikako was not fully aware of how the operation was going on Seth end, most surveillance limited to usual patrol routs done by the local security forces as to not draw attention, though due to the fact no major altercations were happening at the star port it seemed everything was going well. Thankfully the recent influx of people into the system had given her a reason to post more troops at the port, each individual person needed to be checked and organized before being allocated a residency. For the time being their usual reports and updates on anything Seth they saw Seth doing would have to do until the Spec Ops force was assembled.

"So we know the ship at the very least, not much but we can have the ships in orbit track it if needed, right now all we can do is wait, what is the ETA on the new Officio peculiariunit"? "At least 2 hours to prep and supply, but considering this plan to kindap you they will probably seek out the best time over a few days and then attempt the attack". "Yes that would make sense... it's risky but I will have to keep up my usual routine, if I was to be kidnapped during visitor hours would be the most logical time, lets just hope Seth can get the necessary information before they make an attempt".

[member="Seth Brackson"]

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