Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Long shadow

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


Location: Jutrand academy
Wearing: Sith robes
Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano

Darth Anathemous watched over both teacher and students as Quinn instructed another class.

She stood but a few paces behind her secret lover, arms folded behind her back, an ever dutiful "bodyguard" always on the lookout for trouble, golden eyes aglow in the shade of her hood. It had become something of a routine now, an official cover, to act as her guard on those days when her duties on Echnos allowed, the princess timing her guard rotations so that Kaila may fill the slot on days they were to have all to themselves, once class ended at least.

But something felt different this time.

No, not different, but strangely

It was the barest hint of shadow in the padded dojo where Quinn had once taught her, and it didn't belong. But it wasn't quite
His shadow, not exactly. It was small, for now, not the choking, heavy smog which held her down on one knee aboard The Malsheem for so long. More like a whisper, an aftertaste.

And it was coming from one of the students.

Kaila rubbed the promise ring beneath her leather glove for comfort.

She wanted—needed—to know who.


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jutrand

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

A bead of sweat trickled down her forehead as she steadied her hands, after each clash.... After each rival student beaten down, her body was reaching a limit.

The girl tends to her bruises, taking in a deep breath while watching the other students do the same. Each getting up from the floor, limping their way to a resting spot.

"A-Any more for today?"

She sat, controlling her breathing to be ready for the next lesson.. There was always a next lesson, best be ready for anything.

This class star was named 'Brooklyn Tess' in the files, ranking 44th in the tests against other students. Her skills in martial combat had a spark to them, unlike her aptitude for sorcery... Lacking in many areas, with only the most basics being understood.

Kaila would only ever be allowed to go off feeling alone, while the daughter of the empress that is also a teacher would have access to far more information on this girl. 'Tess' was not her last name, it was a name given to her. She was a Zambrano through and through, and if the private logs were indeed correct.. The daughter of the last empress of the Sith.

The privacy of these logs was implemented for a reason it seemed, it would be dangerous for anyone to tell not only the girl, but anyone else.

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//: Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano //: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
//: Attire //:
Quinn held up her hand. The class had been somewhat disappointing; they had all been bested by one. While she was disappointed in the others, the young woman who had fended off the rest of them proved herself quite well. Looking at the device in her hand, she scrolled through the list and nodded, seeing the girl's rank. She was in the upper echelon of the rankings, so her beating out the rest of the group was to be expected. "Good." Her voice was short, not giving emotion for the students to latch onto.

They were young, looking for approval from the Echani woman. Quinn was a strict teacher but had a soft spot, particularly for the younger students. Their desire to prove themselves birthed ambition, and ambition fostered their lust for power. Everything a young Sithling should be. She knelt next to one of those particular students and brushed his hair from his face, seeing the wound. The boy was barely in his teens, his face still gentle, clinging to his baby fat. Her lips parted into a slight smile as her thumb rubbed gently over the wound, stitching it up with minimal effort.

No words were exchanged, and the boy smiled. It was difficult for the young Princess to be crude and brutal like her colleagues. Her philosophy was encouraging them, knowing that while the others destroyed them, they sought her approval and affection. Loyalty was easier gained with honey than vinegar.

Clasping her hands together, she looked at the class. "Study, you'll be tested tomorrow, and unfortunately for some of you - it will be Professor Nagath instead of me." The Echani smiled, hearing the heavy groans and, in particular, a small screech of horror. Her face remained soft, feeling sorry for the class as they shuffled and limped out of her classroom. For a brief moment, her eyes catch the burning citrine of her lover in the back corner of the room. Quinn had settled on her plans for the rest of the day, including tomorrow. Stopping, she noticed someone lingering and paused, knowing that her affection for the knight would have to wait a moment.

"Brooklyn?" Quinn asked softly as she walked towards the girl. "Is everything alright? Did you have any questions about the lesson today?"
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Wearing: Sith robes
Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano

Anathemous continued to watch with a sharp gaze.

They were used to it by now, and her cover as Quinn's bodyguard meant she needn't hide her surveilling nature. But this time was different, her focus more narrow, her senses more alert than before.

Right up until the last students left, and her eyes widened, just barely.

Of course it was the Epicanthix.

She'd hoped her suspicions were but paranoia, the last remnants of Kainite habit to unlearn as she adjusted to life in this new empire, but it was not to be. Her efforts not to single out Brooklyn based on species alone had proven to be mere denial. She even had His dark hair.

And she was the last student in the room, yet the shadow remained.


Why was she
here? They could have sent her to the holy worlds or trained her aboard The Malsheem. Did they even know? More importantly, was she merely a Zambrano child or His spawn?

<<...this one tastes of the black blood...>>

Anathemous whispered to Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin via their bond.

<<...I can feel it in her soul...>>

The witchblade began to inch closer, almost unblinking as she stared at the acolyte up until she had joined the princess, subtly brushing her hand as passed from her left to her right side, the closest she could manage to an echani greeting in such secrecy, fumbled as her silent words may be.

<<...does she know...?>>

<<...does He know...?>>

Kaila glanced at her nervously, communicating her meaning, her emotions, through the force.

She would know of whom she speaks.


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jutrand

Tag | Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Nagath.. Great.. Just karking great. That old bag of bones cared more about tradition so much you could swear he married the word, but at the very least today they got to learn under Quinn.. One of the more- Pardon.. FAR more favored teachers here.

"Well lady Var-"

She was interrupted by Kaila, the acolyte wondering what she did wrong. The protector given a confused expression, yet it was one that didn't show fear.

"Do you think Nagath will allow me to study holocrons on Tulak Hord? You know how he is about tradition and the old ways.. I wonder if he would just let me visit the library for half of class?"

Brooklyn asks, it was clear she was trying to see if Quinn would help her get past the moody nature of Nagath.

"You know he listens to you.."

It was almost as if Quinn could feel Brooklyn saying a prolonged 'pleaseeeeee?' through the very force, the poor acolyte was never much one for the lectures of sorcery that were planned for tomorrow.. Her records showed as much.


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //: Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
//: Attire //:
Quinn's ears perked as her mind listened to the words from Kaila. If anyone was to spot a Zambrano, it would be the Knight. Quinn didn't need to look, feeling the room's air shift as Anathemous drew closer. Her gaze was locked onto the girl, who sat before them, and Quinn continued to smile - to the acolyte, who seemed a little uneasy when her guard arrived.

She looked back to Kaila, who had just brushed against her. A warmer smile spread across her face, seeing that the woman was trying. Quietly, she reached back and grasped Kaila's hand, fingers loosely intertwining briefly as she turned back to Brooklyn, who continued to ask her request. Quinn's free hand covered her chin as she thought quietly. Nagath only listened to her because he assumed it would bring him favor with the Empress, but Quinn never pushed her luck with him.

"Well," Quinn started, and her hand pulled away. She hoped that her touch was enough to reassure Kaila, especially with the feeling that the girl in front of them was a Zambrano. "Tomorrow's lesson is supposed to be pretty important." Quinn winced slightly, knowing Brooklyn and Nagath weren't on the best terms. "Mm," she could sense that the girl didn't want to sit in Nagath's class - which Quinn really couldn't blame her. The man was old - extremely old. He had taught at Bastion and was her professor for a time.

Quinn sighed softly and nodded. "I'll leave him a note and say I've given you special permission to study in the library during that time." Looking over her shoulder, her hand caressed the back of Kaila's in an apology. "If he gives you problems, you can come to my office with me and study there."

The Princess and the Knight had plans for an early weekend, but Quinn's bleeding heart for her students seemed to win over. Again, she had moved away from Kaila, and the Princess folded her arms. "What's your next class, Brooklyn?"

Her mind wandered, trying to figure out why this girl was giving off the Zambrano sense. Quinn doubted the girl knew who she was or where she came from. It was hard not to be curious, and Quinn offered her hand to help the girl.

"Why Tulak Hord?" Quinn asked the girl, curious about her now that Kaila had mentioned what she had mentioned. Finally, Quinn responded gently through the Force, her words caressing gently against the Knights.

<<I believe you, but I don't think she's aware.>>

<<How are you able to feel it?>>

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Wearing: Sith robes
Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano

Kaila gave her love a sidelong glance as their hands met for the second time,

Her eyes closed then, knowing they'd part soon after. The echani had her duties, they both did, she knew. It was through Quinn that the next generation of sith were raised to be better than the last, stronger in their convictions for the good of this order, this empire they were building.

Patience was a necessary sacrifice.

She laced her hands behind her back as the two parted from their secretive closeness, and Kaila again turned her focus to the conversation at hand for a time, until Quinn spoke into their shared minds.

...something in His blood...>> she answered cryptically.

...It gives His children power, and their children therein...>>

It was all she truly knew, for so many things about the man beneath whom she'd served her entire adult life remained a mystery even now.

Tulak Hord." her brows raised just barely.

Most young student she'd known in the past were interested only in recent names, relatively speaking, figures who'd been well documented, idols of which to aspire and poorly mimic. The easiest route to their ambitions. Hord was more a legend now than historical figure, so much of his story lost to time, a challenge to research, even for one so studious as Anathemous.

Brooklyn was no mere brute then.

Lord of Hate, discoverer of Dromund Kas, undefeated in battle and stabbed in the back for it. His death was a tragedy, a set back to the empire I'm sure."

A man to whom the great Darth Nox was the last successor."

She spoke the name almost reverently.

I don a mask in his likeness. A copy of a copy, each iteration changed by a new empire, his features forgotten, yet Hord's influence remains." she hummed.

He was a ritualist, scholar and a warrior alike. A worthy area of study, Nagath should agree."

He'd be a fool not to.


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jutrand

Tag | Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"No other classes after this one."

She lets out a sigh, obviously thankful to be able to rest here soon.


The Acolyte perks up a bit as she was asked about.. Well pretty much an obsession of hers. Though, before she could speak her mind, it would seem that the stranger had some words to say.

Brooklyn took an interest in what was being said, such was clear by her body language becoming less defensive, the expression is her eyes less tense.

It was true... Their helmet looked very similar indeed, a detail that made Brooklyn stand up in order to get a better look at the sides, reversing the situation from earlier.. With the Epicanthix woman hovering over Kaila as she swooned over the armor.

"It- Huh, ya that looks very similar! The curves- The... Ooooh!"

The student was lost in thought for a moment, snapping out of it soon after.

"Ahem- Sorry. You had asked why Tulak? Well.. I follow the ways of my people, I find it respectful to learn from others.. Even an enemy. I can't say I am much of a uhh ritualist of course, but his power and skill with the blade, and the scholarly pursuits would make him fit right in with my culture. As a leader and conquer, it is not only respectful to learn the ways of those now under your protection.. But also it helps maintain control."

Brooklyn's tone and speech had picked up speed, rather passionate about the subject.

"One day I want to be a great General, and an equally skilled blademaster."

And with her body covered in bruises, she was working on that climb.


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