Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Long Term LOA

This is probably a permanent thing...Chaos has become dull for me and boring. Not the sites fault, just got other things taking my time such as work, relationship, family and friends, and because of these things Chaos has fallen off my radar. Apart from that I've seen a few things I strongly disagree with, and I've seen a few things I think could use some major improvement. Feels like forever since something interesting happen here but thats how all things usually end..with their newness gone and our want for something more needed to be filled. Humans....were horrible things are we not? Lol anyways. I've had some really fun times on here. Its made me a better writer to be certain and I've made a few friends through the journey, but at last...this journey ends along with my rping in general. My mind can no long take this place, in the same time becoming disconnected with it. I feel as if the site is not going up, but not going down. Very few things have been added that really catch my attention. I may be back if we ever have a option to start wars not skirmishes and invasions. Threads that'll take weeks to finish and stuff. I feel like everything that's happened on here is not even close to wars of the Star Wars scale. but that's me I'm probably wrong. anyways. been nice while it lasted. Have fun guys and may the force be with you all!

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