Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Long time my cousin

Family, stardust had such a thing, though her family was odd wasn't no normal family, rather a collection of people who she grew to trust and call family or that she married into

One she hadn't seen in some time was [member="Kei Garnik"], last she knew he was laying low after omega, so she sent a message to hin

Dear cousin
Hey long time no see, figure it's time to talk again maybe you can visit imahalyan, I've enclosed enough to get you here

You cousin
Stardust raxis
10 Months after Omega
10 Months after Korriban

Kei sat up with a yawn, the cold Metal of the Ebon Hawk surrounding him. He'd passed out in his bunk, he remembered that much, though what had happened prior to that was a different question. His eyes darted around the room, checking to be sure he still had everything. His blaster was tossed across the room, but safe. His lightsaber was still in it's bag, though it was open for reasons Kei couldn't remember. Had he used it at some point? He honestly couldn't remember anything. Something had happened, but he couldn't remember what. Kei yawned again, standing up in his bunk, trying to stop the world from spinning.

Walking into the cockpit, he shook his head. Crouching down to look at the sensors, he shook his head. He remembered coming to Annaj for something, after something had happened on a space station, though he couldn't remember what. He allowed his eyes to drift to his little friend, T3-J8. His new friends had vanished overnight, but chances are they'd return at some point. Kei grunted, his eyes scanning the cockpit as T3 replayed the message he'd recieved overnight from an old friend, a family member that hadn't been seen in about seven months, that hadn't been seen since Kesh happened.

[member="Stardust Raxis"] and [member="Kei Garnik"] went back a while. Both of them had met at an awkward time, both of them had come to blows when [member="Jack Raxis"] had commited his crime and the rest of his family had put a bounty on the man's head. Kei was against the near murder of his cousin, he'd fought against Clan Raxis to protect Jack, only to be stabbed in the back by the man a few days later. Life wasn't really fair, but everything happened for a reason, every single thing happened because some unknown thing called the force willed it, or at least that was the Jedi mumbo jumbo.

"T3, go join the troopers. Tell them i'll be back in a few weeks, it's important. Last time Stardust contacted me the galaxy was about to implode, so I need to go and see what's going on"

The little droid offered a beep of protest, he wanted to go with Kei to Imahalyan, where-ever and whatever it was. Kei patted the little droid's head, chuckling slightly. Someone needed to play messenger, plus Kei needed to talk to Stardust without some little droid getting in the way. T3 was like a friend, a perfect little friend, but even he got in the way sometimes. Kei needed to talk to Stardust privately, she could help him where others couldn't.

"I'll keep an eye on you, the force gives me that ability at least. Something feels... off, I need to discuss it with Stardust, alright?"

Despite the droid's protests, he finally agreed. That left Kei alone, after making sure T3 had arrived safe with [member="Brent Smith"] and [member="NT-6922"] of course. He sat down in the cockpit of the Hawk, fingers scanning the controls. He was prepping the nav computer, inputting the co-ordinates that Stardust had given him, it was like home. Heading off across the galaxy on some wild chase to go and get involved in his families problems. It was his life since finding out he was a member of the Raxis family. It was his life since Korriban, since he'd assisted [member="Matsu Ike"] and watched the planet get bombed, made to dust and stone.

The ship left the spaceport on Annaj, climbed into orbit and Kei punched the hyperdrive. He had a few hours to kill, so he made himself a caf and sat in silence, opening himself up to the force, to farsight, to see what was going on with his friends, with T3, with [member="Matsu Ike"] and [member="Noriko Ike"], with [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="John Shephard"]. Well, he tried, he couldn't get anything from the Queen of Commenor but she normally locked herself away from the force so it didn't surprise him, it really didn't. He'd visit Commenor again someday, he wasn't sure when but he needed to go and visit his friend, the tea drinking Queen.

Upon arrival to Imahalyan, Kei guided the Ebon Hawk to a gentle stop in a local spaceport, tossing the creidts to the floor manager as he left, leaving orders to refuel and resupply his ship. He set off, arriving at the door of Stardust only moments later.

He knocked.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
Life had been dull, stardust kinda missed the chaos of battle, though she had seen a little action it was very little, with her child in the way she worried a bit if she'd harm it...even though she was on 2 and a half months along

However it gave her time to work on the force, feelimg it honing it and strengthening it, she found she could feel the force flowing by making people, feeling how they felt at that moment, they at the moment it took concentration to feel their feelings

A knock came to her door, she opened her eyes as she walked to it and opened it, she gave a smile looking her cousin over

*ahhhh is good to see you please come in*

She said and moved out of the way

[member="Kei Garnik"]
He entered the rather humble homestead slowly. Stardust moved wherever she was taken. The last time Kei had seen her she was living on Mandalore with Clan Raxis, now she was living on a completely different planet with what looked like no affilation to Clan Raxis. The DL-44 at his side offered a little rattle as it shook, and Kei removed the backpack from his shoulders, leaving it by the door. It seemed strange to have a near empty backpack, but it was a space to hide his lightsaber, a space to hide the weapon he'd crafted with Noriko all that time ago, nearly a year prior to the current date.

Had he missed his birthday?

He smiled to Stardust, to his cousin, before crossing his arms rather loosly behind his back. His leather jacket blew slightly in the breeze as the door was closed. He offered a slight glance around the homestead, around the home of Stardust and he assumed Gray, [member="Gray Raxis"], the man who suffered for the crimes of [member="Jack Raxis"]. Kei knew the story well after all the time that had passed, since the incident had happened.

Jack had stabbed his friends in the back, Gray had paid the price.

"My dear cousin, it has been too long. How're you?"

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
*I am fine I'm pregnant two months along me and gray final were able to uhhhh find a way*

She said moving aside guiding him into the small home, she had tea already brewed and ready to be served, she sat down at a table and sighed a s she moved one out for hin

*Question is how are you, last I saw you were laying low after...the events that had taken place*

She said carefully avoiding anything

[member="Kei Garnik"]
How was he? Welp, he was better than he had been last time Stardust had seem him. He wasn't over the Korriban incident, he could never trust The Silver Jedi again, not after they bombed a city. Kei sat down slowly, prepared to talk to his cousin. He had to formulate an answer though, he wasn't sure how he was. If he knew, he'd instantly give an answer, but for now he had to think about it. He shook his head, giving a very normal answer.

"I'm getting there. Hoping to finish my training someday soon but"

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
* hmmmm is that so? And I'm guessing you have someone in mind for training?*

She said as she served them bith some tea, the liquid still steaming hot, she took her cup as she took a sip and sighed

*past months have been pretty crazy actually, lots of stuff has happened but it's sloway winding down, kinda need it like that anyways*

[member="Kei Garnik"]
He shook his head. He hadn't thought about who would train him in the force. He knew he wanted to knuckle down and learn to conmtrol whatever power he had, the "force", the stuff that let him see his friends across the galaxy, push idiots away and sense other "force" users. He knew it could give him more abilties and more power, some of which was good. Plus, in learning he could also learn how to properly use the yellow plasma beam in his bag without just swinging it and looking like a massive, massive idiot. That was his talent, swinging his yellow lightsaber and looking like an utter idiot, it wasn't funny.

Then it hit him.

"Actually...I do have one person in mind"

His eyes darted to his cousin in law, a grin on his face.

"How would the Twi-lek like to teach the human? I got three weeks before I'm expected back on Annaj, I assume you can teach me the basics of things that I can then refine on my own? I assume anyway. You down?"

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
She sat as she drank her tea, she gave a smile as she nodded and laughed at his words, she sat her cup down and gave a smile

*I was hoping it would be me, I may be pregnant but I can teach you the basics of what I know, though realize you may get hurt I am rough a bit and since we've got three weeks I'll work hard*

[member="Kei Garnik"]
Kei nodded. He expected to be forced to work hard to understand the basics, he could handle being made to work hard. He smiled politely, walking over to his backpack, unzipping it. He was more than ready to show off what he knew, though farsight, force sense and force stealth would be slightly harder to show off. He offered a cocky smile to his cousin in law, reaching out with his hand, trying to feel, trying to feel as hard as possible in the force, feel it flow through him, give him power. It still took him time to tap into this perticular force power, it was one he had never tried to master like force push, the only other force power he knew.

Force push, Force pull, Farsight, Force Sense, Force Stealth, that was his list.

He closed his eyes, allowing the force to flow through him. The lightsaber, the mess he'd made flew from the bag into his fingers, the hidden activaton button being pressed at the same time, the yellow blade shooting from the holster. The lightsaber helped clear his mind, helped him feel the force more, recover spent energy, the crystals inside it at work. Kei turned, eyes still closed, his mug of tea flying across the room, smashing against the wall, tea splashing across the room. He glared at Stardust, a pure look of dedication on his face, a look of readyness and willingness plastered on said face.

"Teach me, teach me more about this power"

He was dedicated, shutting the lightsaber down. He dropped the plasma weapon on the table, unable to clip it on his belt. That was the one advantage his robes had, other than being made out of Phrik and Cortorsis. He could store his lightsaber on it, unlike the jacket and trousers and tunic look. The smuggler look, the stereotypical smuggler look, his smuggler look, his look that he made. He shook his head.

"My master"

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
She watched with a dull look as if not interested in his power, not mind the cup of tea flew past and broke, she gave a small smile as she stood, she moved the tea cup with the force and the liquid dried up instantly, her power growing slowly, she then put the pieces in the trash and moved to the door

*Follow me thenough my apprentice*

She said heading outside

[member="Kei Garnik"]
Sorry for the shorter posts, on a laptop so now four lines looks so much smaller to me :p

He nodded, following his new master, his new mentor, his cousin outside, clenching his fingers slowly, as if surprised at what he'd just succeeded in doing, as if surprised that he had so much power that he had mastered control of, as if surprised he had the power to fling a teacup around the room. Yet, he always knew his cousin was more powerful, much more powerful in the force and a person that could easily overpower him.

He crossed his arms, waiting for instruction from his cousin, waiting to see what her next move would be, what she would teach him, make him learn. He wanted to know, he wanted to finally grasp his understanding of the force.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
First off, you can't tap into it steadily I noticed, I now have to by a whole new cup for that set*

She said as she turned and sat on the grassy earth looking up at him

*sit and meditate, the first way to understand the firce is to feel it, you must feel something before you grasp it lest you misjudge the strength needed to us it, sit relax feel the force pull you like a river, but be a stone in that river don't let the force take you widly*
[member="Kei Garnik"]
Kei nodded lightly, sitting down rather lightly. He'd seen Noriko mediate with the force, he had some vague idea. He closed his eyes, trying to open himself up to the force, the mysical presence surrounding him. He blinked lightly, closing his eyes again. The force was always there with him, it gave him power and insane strengh that those who were "normal" didn't possess, but the force could be used for evil if in the wrong hands. He wasn't for that though, he wanted to use the force for good, for good things and good points, he wanted to be a force for freedom, he wanted to free people, free everyone.

He remembered what Stardust had said, don't get caught in the stream of the force.

"Now what?"

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
*Hmmmm now open yourself, let it fill you and flow through your body*

She said and sat a few large rocks in front of him

*now then moves these rocks behind me, take care if you move to fast or throw them you hit me, and I wouldn't be happy*

[member="Kei Garnik"]
"Collateral damage"

He offered a cocky grin before really focusing on the force. His cousin was giving up her time to teach him to control the power he owned, to control the force and manipulate it to do new things, things that he wanted to learn. He closed his eyes again, focusing on both the force and the pile of rocks his cousin in law had placed in front of him, had placed just out of his grasp. His task was simple enough, move the rocks behind his cousin without killing her, but having to do that with a power you'd never really grasped was the challange. The entire thing was a challange to teach him control.

He willed the rocks to rise, and slowly they rose, one at a time, moving behind Stardust and down into a neat pile, a neat pile until the last one was added when it all went wrong but it was neat! There was probably CCTV recorded proof, or Kei hoped there was CCTV recorded proof of them being neat. He kept his eyes closed, focusing on something bigger, his cousin. He felt her levitate into the air, being pushed back so lightly and then pulled forward, being held for a few seconds before being lowered gently to the ground.

Kei enjoyed showing off, he had a power that let him do that, what?

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
She sniled as she closed her eyes, not focusing on the rocks, she gave a smile as she could 'see' then with the force behind her, she gave a smile as she nodded to him, then she felt herself levitate and stayed still before she was sat back down

Showing off was he, she smiled as she stood, she looked at him as she blew fire at his feet then made it a circle and let the flames leap, would they harm no...ot was messing with him

*cousin walk through it*

[member="Kei Garnik"]
He frowned, someone had a sick sense of humor. She wanted him to walk through flames? She had no idea how dangerous that was to a human, third degree burns easily. He waved his hand in front of them to feel the heat, then realised he couldn't feel any heat at all. Cold flames? He shook his head, confused, placing his hand into them. They were cold, no heat to them at all. An illusion, they had to be, something created by the force as a way of tricking him, messing with him like he did her, Stardust was just getting her revenge. He stepped forward, out of the flames, grinning to Stardust lightly, nodding.

"You tried"

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
She gave a smile as he walked out, she patted his shoulder

*pryokinesis, I can control the heat of my flame and shape, something I'll teach you later on diwn if ya then Saber training go grab yours ok *
[member="Kei Garnik"]
He nodded, walking back into the house. He expected to have to learn lightsaber skills but he really wanted to focus on the force, learn to use the force as a tool for good. He wanted to use it as a weapon, not to kill but to stun and overpower. Yet, a force user needed to be well versed with a lightsaber, the tool of a Jedi. A force using Jedi needed to be well versed to use a lightsaber to help battle agaist other force users, Sith and Dark Jedi who carried their own lightsabers. Some Sith were force users and always used the force to kill people, but some preferred to overpower Jedi with lightsabers, overpower them with strength.

He closed his fingers around the cool metal of the lightsaber blade, stepping back outside slowly. He loved his lightsaber, it was a mess that was built quickly, but it was him. The hidden activator button as well, only he could use his blade.

"Lead the way"

[member="Stardust Raxis"]

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