10 Months after Omega
10 Months after Korriban
Kei sat up with a yawn, the cold Metal of the Ebon Hawk surrounding him. He'd passed out in his bunk, he remembered that much, though what had happened prior to that was a different question. His eyes darted around the room, checking to be sure he still had everything. His blaster was tossed across the room, but safe. His lightsaber was still in it's bag, though it was open for reasons Kei couldn't remember. Had he used it at some point? He honestly couldn't remember anything. Something had happened, but he couldn't remember what. Kei yawned again, standing up in his bunk, trying to stop the world from spinning.
Walking into the cockpit, he shook his head. Crouching down to look at the sensors, he shook his head. He remembered coming to Annaj for something, after something had happened on a space station, though he couldn't remember what. He allowed his eyes to drift to his little friend, T3-J8. His new friends had vanished overnight, but chances are they'd return at some point. Kei grunted, his eyes scanning the cockpit as T3 replayed the message he'd recieved overnight from an old friend, a family member that hadn't been seen in about seven months, that hadn't been seen since Kesh happened.
[member="Stardust Raxis"] and [member="Kei Garnik"] went back a while. Both of them had met at an awkward time, both of them had come to blows when [member="Jack Raxis"] had commited his crime and the rest of his family had put a bounty on the man's head. Kei was against the near murder of his cousin, he'd fought against Clan Raxis to protect Jack, only to be stabbed in the back by the man a few days later. Life wasn't really fair, but everything happened for a reason, every single thing happened because some unknown thing called the force willed it, or at least that was the Jedi mumbo jumbo.
"T3, go join the troopers. Tell them i'll be back in a few weeks, it's important. Last time Stardust contacted me the galaxy was about to implode, so I need to go and see what's going on"
The little droid offered a beep of protest, he wanted to go with Kei to Imahalyan, where-ever and whatever it was. Kei patted the little droid's head, chuckling slightly. Someone needed to play messenger, plus Kei needed to talk to Stardust without some little droid getting in the way. T3 was like a friend, a perfect little friend, but even he got in the way sometimes. Kei needed to talk to Stardust privately, she could help him where others couldn't.
"I'll keep an eye on you, the force gives me that ability at least. Something feels... off, I need to discuss it with Stardust, alright?"
Despite the droid's protests, he finally agreed. That left Kei alone, after making sure T3 had arrived safe with [member="Brent Smith"] and [member="NT-6922"] of course. He sat down in the cockpit of the Hawk, fingers scanning the controls. He was prepping the nav computer, inputting the co-ordinates that Stardust had given him, it was like home. Heading off across the galaxy on some wild chase to go and get involved in his families problems. It was his life since finding out he was a member of the Raxis family. It was his life since Korriban, since he'd assisted [member="Matsu Ike"] and watched the planet get bombed, made to dust and stone.
The ship left the spaceport on Annaj, climbed into orbit and Kei punched the hyperdrive. He had a few hours to kill, so he made himself a caf and sat in silence, opening himself up to the force, to farsight, to see what was going on with his friends, with T3, with [member="Matsu Ike"] and [member="Noriko Ike"], with [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="John Shephard"]. Well, he tried, he couldn't get anything from the Queen of Commenor but she normally locked herself away from the force so it didn't surprise him, it really didn't. He'd visit Commenor again someday, he wasn't sure when but he needed to go and visit his friend, the tea drinking Queen.
Upon arrival to Imahalyan, Kei guided the Ebon Hawk to a gentle stop in a local spaceport, tossing the creidts to the floor manager as he left, leaving orders to refuel and resupply his ship. He set off, arriving at the door of Stardust only moments later.
He knocked.
[member="Stardust Raxis"]