Reaching her ship, Aerith went quick to work, setting the body of her copy onto her work bench, shoving aside several half assembled weapon models and spare armor plates; making a hell of a mess in the process. She rolled the body over, putting it down face first, and trying hard not to gag as the blood soaked hair of her clone began to clump together. Using the knife concealed in her left arm, Aerith sliced off the bloodied clumps, and getting access to the interface at the base of the woman's neck. Ever since she was a teenager, Aerith had this device implanted into a neck, a direct upload into her neural implants, and the thing that enabled her to interface with most terminals like a droid; which meant just like a droid, she could access memory storage on terminals, just like the memory unit in her own head.
Aerith had assumed that just like herself, the woman was outfitted with the same neural implants, as she switched her vibro-knife for the scomp link in her index finger. She slotted it into the dimly glowing implant, and felt that all to familiar sensation swept into her mind, as a blend of memories began to slip in, meshing together with Aerith's own, and forming a near identical picture. They walked under the same night sky, ran through the same swampy marshes, and fought the same battles; down to near identical details.
To say it was distressing was an understatement. Aerith stepped away from the body, her mind still fumbling with what she had seen, and what it could mean. Her hands trembled, scomp link detaching from the socket, as she stared at the body with confusion. Why did they have the same memories? Was she just another copy like this woman here? She had to be sure. Leaving the body there, Aerith moved to the cockpit, her steps with a touch of haste to them. She slid into the chair, leaning back into the headrest, and feeling ship begin to take notice of it's owner. The creators of the ship had built it with Aerith's cybernetics in mind. Every time she reclined in the chair, the ship moved to interface with her directly. It was certainly helpful. She could control every aspect of the ship with her mind, mere mental suggestions and the ship would obey, which made it all the more easier to pull up a star map and plug in the numbers that she had seen, and work out where they went.
It had taken some time, but by the time Shai returned, Aerith had disposed of the body. The ship was laundered with military grade hardware in the cargo crates of concussion missiles, heavy duty energy cells that could power a platoon of heavy blaster rifles, and a large assortment of armored plates and hydraulics that it looked like Aerith was running a miniature arms factory within her ship. Her now iconic armor hung just before the cockpit, stuck on a rack, polished to a neat shine with a concussion rifle locked in place on the right arm.
The cyborg woman herself was still clad in her attire from earlier, staring at a display of a star map, her left index finger plugged into the ship's nav computer. Aside from the map. the room was hardly lit, with Aerith's face illuminated by the display she was so intently studying. At first, it appeared that she might have been spacing out, but Shai would notice that the woman's cybernetic eye was working overtime to track something on the map, though what it might have been she couldn't see. She didn't react initially to Shai's call, not until she spotted the woman entering the cockpit. She smiled, though a blush crept over her face as Shai inquired about what her intentions had been with the little exchange earlier. Thankfully, Shai wasn't looking at her at current, though what she was thinking was obvious.
"I mean, we can mull it over later, I mean, it's alot to process...." She said sheepishly, looking back to the map, as she slowly zoomed the image in, trying not to get too off focus with where her mind was taking her.
"I dealt with the body, if that's what your asking, and I figured out where those numbers linked to. There's something here, smack dab in the middle of what used to be the Sith Empire." She muttered, the image of the galactic map zooming in to a barren spot of space, an empty void that loomed at the heart of what had been the crown jewel of the Sith.
Shai Maji