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Private Look For Me Upon My Return



Themes: XoXo
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

How long had she been gone this time?

Far too long.

Long enough that some had started whispering that she'd given up on the Jedi Order to go back to her life of luxury. As if it were that easy.

Briana ran her long fingers through her dark locks that had fallen loose around her shoulders, pulled from the diplomatic style of Hapes that her hair had been painfully pulled into for the last three weeks. Hapes was far behind her though, and apart from the virginal whites and shimmering gold from her ceremonial gown, she was happy to shed all evidence of the planets hold over her - over her families hold over her.

"I'm a Sal-Soren, but that's not all that I am." she murmured to Kangiv, an uncannily beautiful man situated in the copilots seat next to her. A small time Duch'da and personal servant of Prince Astor. She'd recently met him at one of the many Gala dinners she'd had to attend in the heart of Hapes central district after questioning her dedication to the cause she was trying to permit through her actions. With the help of her aunt Eline and a lot of foot work over the last six months, she'd slowly began to properly establish her family on the planet among the noble classes, but there were many who didn't trust them and questioned their intentions - foreign nobles joining the Hapan pool of nobility? Let alone ones who shared the blood of Corellian's?! It just wasn't done! How uncouth! Never mind the scandal of being related to a possible Hapan terrorist - who was in fact a Duch'da himself. A revelation she'd only recently become aware of.

Briana had heard it all.

Turning her eyes from Kangiv, she straightened her spine in the pilot's chair. "It's in my blood to serve the interests of my family, Hapes, and the Jedi." his silent response made her squirm.

"How much longer?" she asked politely, hoping to hear that it would be soon. Kangiv had become an ever present shadow in her life, much like Hisashi had been for her own mother... but Briana questioned the limits of her constitution, as she wasn't sure how much more she could take from ol'stone-face - even if he had been invaluable to helping her learn the political world of Hapes, her stomach had a limit. His council was welcomed... his demeanor was not. "We'll be planetside within the next twenty minutes." he answered finally, staring expressionless at the display near his side. "Very good," she sighed, feeling her chest deflate and the tension in her shoulders disperse. Shifting, Briana attempted to gain more comfort in her chair and let her thoughts wander, thinking back on family and the last few months. A process that was more often painful than not, especially when the topic of family was involved. Briana was endlessly worried over Blaire, especially now that the truth of Brandyn's disappearance had come to light. She'd watched what little glimmer of light there was, vanish from her sisters eyes. Blaire and Brandyn had been close in a way that she'd never truly understood, and Brandyn had been much more in tune with Blaire than Briana could ever hope to be.

She could only hope that these last six months spent on Hapes had been long enough to help young Blaire work through the grief.

"We're starting our descent M'lady." Kangiv stood from his seat next to Briana and approached the drop hatch of the Nubian shuttle, his white and gold uniform contrasting brightly against the glow of the ships interior lighting.

"Fantastic, thank you Lord Eskel." Briana replied in a polite tone, using the heraldry terms that would be befitting of one her station.

He thinks I'm nervous about being back on Coruscant. How wrong he is.

It wasn't the tingle of nervousness that had settled in her stomach as they approached the hangar on Coruscant. No... it was something else, something far closer to home.

The docking bay that she'd landed in was discreet and placed well away from the main hub, meant for foreign dignitaries or members of nobility who wanted to land without the threat of being bombarded by the media as soon as they touched ground. Part of the reason she'd chosen to come here, was simply due to the pageantry and size of what she'd arrived in.

"Have the crew grant permission for shore leave. They know where to go." Briana told Kangiv Eskel who nodded politely and freed himself of his charge, walking towards the exit of the hangar with two other uniformed men, seemingly eager to fill their bellies with greasy food and the fine ale served at the nearby cantina.

This left Briana alone with her engineer who only paused to give her a nod before he continued on with his work at the base of the ship.

From the far end of the hangar she glimpsed movement, and immediately knew who it was. Her stomach lurched, a large smile spreading over her features to reveal rows of glistening white teeth.


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This was a day Iris had been looking forward to for so long. Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren coming home. She even put alarms in her holodevice to remember. Many of them. And still she was rushing to get there. Disheveled as can be and still covered some in paint the younger Padawan smiled bright as she watched Briana walk down the ramp. She was there. Here. It'd been too long since they last saw each other.

Without hesitation Iris rushed forward, pulling Briana into a tight hug. Ignoring the still wet paint and what that might do to the woman's clothing.

"You're back!"

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