Saul Whesai

Location: Midnight Oasis Cantina, Nar Shaddaa
With his gear bag over his shoulder, Saul walked through the crowded streets, ensuring the people passing by kept their hands to themselves with long hard glances. One could never know what could happen on the Hutt moon, something Saul found terrifying and electrifying. He hoped this place would lead to a new start or at least a new job. Having narrowed down his options, he decided to knock on the door of a Midnight Oasis. The place was a magnet for fixers and pilots alike and he hoped to secure a job to keep him rolling or at least to get enough creds to last awhile while he figured out the next destination he wanted to jump to. Let's see about getting something low-risk, just for a change of pace.
Opening up the heavy metal door and waltzing inside, he pulled the hood over his eyes to hide the neon blue light shining from his cybernetic eyes. Some of the less savory clientele that resided here may decide he was worth chopping up for parts. He doubted it though, everyone seemed like they were in their own little world, either talking the news or job details between them or listening to the music from a past holorecording of whatever band the bar manager had decided to put on that day. Not that he would recognize the tune if he tried, his ears were better suited to hearing the hum of an engine rather than trying to remember a song. Sitting at the bar, he gestured at the bartender who looked like he had been through all of the galaxy's conflicts combined. That helped when on one of the rowdiest planets in the galaxy. "Takodana Quencher please."