Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for a Master


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine

Is anybody willing to be the Jedi master of Nellja? I would prefer if it was an experienced member, please? I mainly aim at her lightsaber skills personally, but Force abilities are also super nice. So somebody who has fairly both down would be cool. Thank you! :)


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
@[member="Josiah Denko"] Really? Thank you! Awesome! When do we start? :)
P.S. I just love your profile's detail!


Twi'lek Slaver
I thought this was for something completely different and I got so confused as to why someone would be directly asking for that kind of thing.


Twi'lek Slaver
@[member="Rasu Gan"] NO MAN I WAS LEGITIMATELY CONCERNED. Like I saw her profile and I was like "Oh my god I know drama is necessary but babycakes you have so much cool stuff with your life don't do it".


Twi'lek Slaver

Hah. Amusing. The ones that beg for slavery are usually the most difficult ones to sell off. They give up their freedom with no issue, but then raise a ruckus about not getting their own sleeping space. I'd rather consolidate my funds and purchase a Rancor for confused animals like that. Or an electric bantha prod.

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