Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking for a new start

I haven't really RP'd yet and the one time I tried, many moons ago, real-life got in the way. But now I am back and just a little overwhelmed. Thus I am here seeking someone, be it a potential friend in need or a new rival in wait, Matthias Colcrip's adventure within SWChaos begins (or the disucssion for it anyways) here!

Just a quick idea of who Matthias is... he was born on Tatooine when, as a young boy, he began hearing voices and also discovered his force sensitivity. He began growing paranoid as the voices filled him with delusions that the jedi would lock him up for insanity. Thus he spent his life, driven by the voices, hunting down jedi instead. He is skilled in the art of ataru and keeps a generally cool demeaner until he enters combat. Chaotic Neutral, borderline Neutral Evil.

I guess respond here or DM me if you are interested or have any RP ideas! I'm still new to this so forgive me if this format is incorrect/weird.
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