Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Crew

“A captain’s goal was simple: find a crew, find a job, keep flying.” - Shepherd Derrial Book​
I am looking for a crew to boss around as we travel about the galaxy. No affiliations. We fly free from job to job and those jobs can be as simple as transport to more complex Merc/bounty hunting gigs. So i am wide open to a variety of character builds.

So if you want to fly with a Large cat playing at spacecowboy with a Russian accent please sign up below. Stats for my ship are in my sig under The Banshee.

The Banshee Roster thus far:
Captain/Pilot: Khull
Co-pilot/ Intimate Relations : Aella Cadeyrn
Gunhand/Public Relations: Karn'ossk
Gunhand: Lance Damar
Lets make it a meet and greet. I think public relationships will be good. I can co-pilot as well, but may not want to be the main one all the time? @[member="Khull"]


I'm looking for a lift to the Jedi temple, and I can cook. How about a ride, and maybe a side of adventure 'til we get there?

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