Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking for FU Interaction (Jedi, Warden, or Other)

So, Elan is a Force-Sensitive who has no idea he is Force-sensitive (despite having met a Jedi lol). I'm looking to have him interact with Jedi or other FUs (Light Side preferred, someway for him to learn he's FS and put him on his path to becoming his own kind of Jedi (I'm looking to make him kind of a Teepo Paladin variant who uses lightsaber and blaster, but he just uses a blaster for now).
Vengeful Martial Artist
So, Elan is a Force-Sensitive who has no idea he is Force-sensitive (despite having met a Jedi lol). I'm looking to have him interact with Jedi or other FUs (Light Side preferred, someway for him to learn he's FS and put him on his path to becoming his own kind of Jedi (I'm looking to make him kind of a Teepo Paladin variant who uses lightsaber and blaster, but he just uses a blaster for now).
If you're still looking, I'm happy to note my interest here. Hit is a former jedi trainer, so he'd be pretty suited for this stuff. That is, if you don't mind a "kung fu hustle" approach to learning. Hah!

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