Why flee? I won't say I actually have experience, I don't. But that out of the way, I think you could probably take over the political landscape of your World through calculated force, propaganda, and all manner of subterfuge.Combine them all! Play all sides, whether overtly evil, or more of a behind the scenes player.
Disease seems to play a huge role in the history of the community, maybe a small resurgence occurred. Maybe some other virus rose up from the ether, maybe it was entirely planned. The incumbent regime could have been hugely inept in handling that situation, painting them in poor light with the population. You could easily stoke that fire. Have a few agent provocateurs at your dispense to turn rallies and protests ugly. Maybe contract in some mercenary characters/groups with loose morals to spread havoc and generate high fear.
Raise that violent crime statistic, get the despair heavy, work some magic on burning out the job market. Then just come in as that magical, princely figure with all the right answers to the most hot button issues. Or go full monster mode and simply take over through sheer overwhelming violence against the downtrodden regime.