My character is new to the Jedi and looking to make a few friends. I started a thread. Are there any other Jedi who might wish to join?
We write?
Lily is happy to hang out and train
Friends! But threads. But Friends!
As soon as I make it official icly, would love to thread!
if its the herd ship Braze is very likely in the dojo
Casaline Ryiah Loomi can very easily be there too.if its the herd ship Braze is very likely in the dojo
Your character is a university student? That would be so interesting for Casi! Would you like to do a separate thread that isn’t Jedi specific?
Or you can join us in the Junction? Shan, Mahsa, and I are going to be ... not sure where, but doing PVE stuff, I guess, unless someone decides to come try and beat us up.
I've been looking for some way to get into the junction so that would be great!