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LFG Looking for like minded Darksiders

Geneticist and Sorceress Double Major
Darth Veyriss is looking for like minded Sith alchemists and scientists to put together a dark side/ Sith research committee devoted to the advancements of the dark arts. Veyriss herself is a Chiss scientist and geneticist looking to push the limits on cloning technology. I have a few ideas for this, perhaps making a small faction as well. Just want to see if anyone else is interested.
Geneticist and Sorceress Double Major
Fun times, Seras likes to push the limits for alchemical sciences and bioengineering at Al-Khālī with her Sith Medical Corps. Maybe some more clones for her drengir variants and other bioweapons are needed.
I had plans to create a codex for a place to have a joint research base at, found a few destroyed planets from legends and canon that no one would miss a research base or two being repurposed. Veyriss is looking to perfect memory transfer and reduce the effects of clone madness. Long term she wants to remake the Chiss Ascendency with her cloning tech.
Geneticist and Sorceress Double Major
clone madness is difficult cause it varies on who is rping it... some use it, some don't some like Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex have it factor in slightly over the course of dozens of clone bodies.

but the force magics change and the sciences remain... also zombie plants that eat people
Maybe we should try to make zombie plant people as bio weapons, like the attack of the body snatchers kinda thing. Could be fun.

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