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Looking for Long-term companions

This thread is pretty much self-explanatory.

Currently, I'm looking for long-term companions for Darth Arcis. Be they/it mercenaries, bounty hunters, Force users, or even merely people from his past. I really don't care who it is or how they've met Dranok. As long as you're interested in devoting your character to doing lots (I mean, lots) of threads with this character, then I'm totally up for anything you guys and gals have to throw at me.

Also, if your character is a Force user, then he/she will not become Dranok's apprentice right away. Perhaps it could happen shortly after or more gradually, but I'm not too sure.

Anyways, throw up some ideas or funny gifs and make my day.

- Arcis
Chaff's usually fairly dismissive of Sith, and force users in general. Could make for an interesting dynamic. Note that due to Chaff's basic character traits, he's never going to only work for Arcis or declare loyalty to his faction, meaning he'd probably have to sign a long term contract with him, or put him on retainer or something of the like. If you're cool with that, I'm down.

[member="Darth Arcis"]
[member="Darth Arcis"] [member="Ellain Hadrin"]

You guys want a drinking buddy? Cos you can have Cross or Morrigan for this. I've been waiting for something like this...

And [member='Meanken']

On retainer? But I thought you were my officer?


Just kidding... Be prepared to get me contracts... Many contracts.
[member="Cross Ikon"]

Hmm.....ya, guess he wouldn't be able to do a retainer style deal with that arrangement. Still, he could be a repeat employer in Chaff's off time.

You want Chaff to do politics? HAHAHAHAHAHA
[member="Ellain Hadrin"] - Quite possibly. What do you have in mind?

[member="Darth Vornskr"] - hay c:

[member="Meanken"] - Maybe. Thread ideas?

[member="Cross Ikon"] - I'm afraid that Dranok doesn't drink, sorry.

[member="Ghrom Xenos"] - I am. Way too tall. Hue.
[member="Darth Arcis"]

Chaff's a bounty hunter who specializes in jobs with extremely high body counts and lots of stuff blowing up. He got anyone he wants dead/captured? We could start there, have him hired for that with the promise of more jobs if he does well.

If not, he's also open to other kinds of jobs, depending on what Arcis needs.
[member="Darth Arcis"]

Well, im normally up for anything so even if a training or Duel i dont care... i would shy away from cantinas though, because they really hold no reason... maybe meeting on Mustafar while Ellain is looking for Obsidian to use in her sabers as a color.
Besides the fact that their personalities are basically complete opposites - Matsu is patient, quiet, cold, and doesn't have much of an ego - which would make for an interesting dynamic, I've been looking for someone skilled in Sith Magic for her to meet. She's taught herself the basics (ongoing self-training thread, goal of 25,000 words - yes, I am insane) but you know, the more knowledge the better. It's at least a reason for them to meet.

I'm super active though I have to say my thread list isn't anyway in the proportion of yours (holy...crap...), and I'd love to strike up a longer companionship in Matsu's storyline.

She's good to have around - she likes long adventures on abandoned planets, taking things that don't belong to her, and playing around with people's minds.

Requested funny GIF:​
"Nah, just psyching you out. Had you though! Good times. See you next week Steve!"​
[member="Darth Arcis"]​
[member="Darth Arcis"], Ahem.

;) You should totally at least do one thread with me.

EDIT: I have RPed with you maybe once or twice in the past with alts of mine, but since this is now my main character, I am wanting to get him off the ground, and I was hoping that by with this thread I could do that. Even if you are not my master (Which I may or may not take you as one depending on IC settings and plots) then at least Erin would possibly look up to you like an older brother figure (already has a father) I am needing to get more story time with him. and less time in making Signatures. Yes it's fun making them for people, but sometimes, it just blends all together.


Lightning-Struck Angel
[member="Darth Arcis"]

No drinking? Then I'll use Morrigan... Her threads require a slight bit less booze to work...

But seriously, I want a long-term thread group...
[member="Matsu Xiangu"] - That sounds absolutely enthralling. Really. I've been looking around for some other serious Sith Magic users and having one such individual in Dranok's company would be more than pleasing.

[member="Erin Ecthelion"] - Fine by me, pal. Dranok isn't exactly evil per se, he's just used to using the Darkside and has a long history of service to the Sith Empire and the newer, smaller entities based off of it. That's why he's a Dark Jedi, not a Sith Lord. If there are any alignment inquiries, feel free to ask away.

[member="Lancer Damar "]- ohbby. not the iceman.

[member="Morrigan"] - I'm more than willing to roleplay with her. As long as you put effort into your posts and developing a story with Dranok and the other participants, I'd be glad to have you thread along with us.

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