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LFG Looking for more Romance

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
I would offer Syn Syn since I am always around but when it comes to looking for romance. It is always best to try and make it organic with the story.

Still something to be said for the fun of threads
I would offer Syn Syn since I am always around but when it comes to looking for romance. It is always best to try and make it organic with the story.

Still something to be said for the fun of threads
That's why I wanted to make it a dating thread, something that could act as an ice breaker for her to meet new people.

That said, I don't think Jonyna would go for Syn, he looks a little young for her XD

Remiera Venetia-braska

If Jonyna Si Jonyna Si goes for women remiera would be open to the idea although it's gonna take a little bit for her to get over the fact that jonyna is a jedi and a council member.
Jonyna has had a bit of bad luck with long term romance. As such, I'm putting her on the market, anyone who wants a date with a fiery redhead cathar, I'm up for ideas.

Valmy is very much a xenophile. She isn't much for commitment or romance, but if you want a fun time with a foxy lady that can wind up going just about anywhere before seeking something more stable it could be interesting.

Remiera Venetia-braska

She's open to anyone. Men, Women, Battle Droids, Anything in between.

Curious what your hang up about jedi are, but hey, I'm up for it!
She's not against jedi she just thinks they are too political but she only has an outsiders view of the jedi so maybe she needs a more personal view of the jedi or a jedi lol.

Remiera Venetia-braska

I'm up for anything. You have any preference on how they meet?
Both women try and protect either a person or a group from a sith or evil group maybe they fight against some mercenaries not sure or they meet in a club

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