Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Looking for new Creative Team Members

Good Day GA!

Thank you guys for all the kind words with me taking over as MFO. But with some very lovely staffers stepping down, we're going to be looking at adding some new creative team members again as well. Creative Team helps us moderate discord, works on new stories and contributes to the development of the faction.

If you're interested in stepping up, please DM (discord/site) me before June 20th with your interest.

You can also reach out to myself or any other staff member if you have questions or want to know more about the role before applying (or not). That said, there are two things that could help us a lot, so applicants with an interest in helping with these two things are more likely to be accepted. These are:
-Interest in focusing more on SIA/GADF related content.
-Interest in focusing more on the Senate RP of our faction.

While our preference goes to writers who have been with the faction for a little while, please don't hesitate to reach out if you're newer and wanting to help, either now or in the near future.

When expressing interest, it'd be appreciated if you could tell me:
-Your discord
-Your main Character/Site Account
-Why are you interested in joining GA staff?
-What part of the GA are you most interested in telling stories in?


My discord: Val (Noble)#8937

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