Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking For Partner

I'm looking for a romantic partner for Krayzen, mostly because it fits the ideas I have in my mind to develop Krayzen.

I'm generally quick at replying in threads; it might take me a few days at times, but I'm mostly quick in the weekends.

Here is a breakdown of his story so far.
  • Born in dark-side movement in the Zeison Sha
  • Trains in dark-side and so forth. A battle between the traditional Zeison Sha and dark-side Zeison Sha results in his parents death; he goes to Hutt Space to do mercenary work
  • During one of his missions, he is defeated by a Sith Knight, and he joins the OS
  • Becomes an Acolyte and like many, he rises through the ranks to be an OS Knight
  • A Darth attempts to usurp the Dark Lord of The Sith. Krayzen stands with the Dark Lord of The Sith; he is promoted in the process.
  • Begins to help the OS in his own way, while starting up his own company
  • GA pops up, and through a series of victories, destroys the OS in Coruscant. Krayzen suffers severe/fatal injuries in a duel with an NPC GA Master and goes to Unknown Space.
  • In his exile, he renounces the Sith ways and reconsiders what he has been taught.
  • Undergoes a ritual that benefits, but also makes him weaker. After the ritual, he begins to rediscover his abilities
  • He then returns to known space, and joins the Iron Empire. Krayzen works to improve his company, as well as establish new connections, and so forth.
Any takers?


Active Member
I guess my question woudl be what kinda partner would he like. i have a Sith charatcer who MIGHT fit but shes somewhat enamored with another sith atm. The other is a jedi whom he already met and she already didint trust him. Granted shes had...interesting relationships with dark siders. So it'd be a strained one I suspect.

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