I'm looking for some role-play, so here is a rundown of my character. I am also looking into mentors if anyone wants a student. My character is at the moment a very sensitive and easily coerced person. If you're a Jedi or other like-minded individual, you have the chance to bring him back into the Light. If you're a Sith or Dark Jedi, it's a good opportunity to drag Hurrikaine deeper into the Dark side of the FORCE. Hurrikaine is a Shard, named after the violet focusing crystal he utilised in his lightsaber. He occupies a Human Replica Droid that is quite damaged at the moment. This is a result of his abandonment of the Republic. Long story short, during his Knighting trials, Hurrikaine gave in to the Dark Side in sudden uncontrollable anxiety and fear, felling his Master. He fled from the Republic and Jedi but not without a few scratches. Hurrikaine currently resides on Tatooine in a self-imposed Exile.