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Looking for Sith Master

Hiya buddies I'm looking for a master that can train me in the sword form of Makashi, and for force abilities I'm basically just looking for force fear and maybe crush, but that one's a bit advanced.
I honestly feel that fear is more advanced than crush, as telekinesis of all forms is far more basic than the other uses of the force - especially mental applications. Crush, to me, is merely a more innovative approach to telekinesis' most basic and standard uses.
[member="Reverance"] I Suggest for Makashi ... or [member="Silara Vantai"]

Force Crush can be learned but you would have to make sure your OK in Force Grip first [member="Lucifer Erebus"]
Kezeroth the Hateful said:
[member="Reverance"] I Suggest for Makashi ... or [member="Silara Vantai"]

Force Crush can be learned but you would have to make sure your OK in Force Grip first [member="Lucifer Erebus"]
[member="Reverance"] is much more suitable as a teacher of Makashi, he writes about it like he is experiencing it - and although I can dance, and sing, and etc, it is a lot harder to get in character (ironically) doing something I can actually and sometimes do, in real life. The force, being this mystifying and unknown thing is much easier and more interesting for me to portray. I suppose I am good with making quips and describing scenery, but that's really something any writer should begin with. I tend to describe less of the how and more of the what. Thus my skills become my weakness in writing of more skill-oriented things. Sure, anyone can write a hand-wave and then make a good description of the action of the force taking place, but it takes real dedication to paint hundreds of thousands of millions upon trillions of pictures for each and every step, movements, etc, that takes place in one frame of time to give imagery and life to footwork and such. Part of it is because it is second nature, and I can already see it. A lot of others will describe things they believe are harder to understand because at some point they had to be explained about it as well. For example, I do emotional pieces very well, I think, and particularly insane things (like mental institution kind) as well. It's my own shortcoming, but it's really where Reverance shines, and why I believe he's infinitely more skilled and probably always will be regardless of his character's ability. If he was an apprentice right now to me, I'd have given him my place simply because the level he writes that particular subject is beyond what I am capable of.

I can go on a long rant of why this is, but it simply is. He is the more capable writer, he is more knowledgeable, and he is already a Sith Lord.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]​
[member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

You gais...

Not sure where I managed this whole Mr. Makashi thing but I'll roll with it :)

As for training, I'm all for writing out training threads, but I'm spoken for as a master. That being said, if you are interested in a makashi training event, I would be down for that. So long as you realize that I go into the training not to train your character, but to train you as a writer on how to perceive the fighting style and how to write it realistically. I see it as an indirect development of your character.

[member="Lucifer Erebus"]

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