Kairon Rees
At the Battle of Javin the Alliance struck a blow to the Final Order's plans. However, it was not without cost. Many Alliance vessels were damaged in the decoy attack, and many brave pilots lost their lives.
In the aftermath, the Final Order planned to launch a wave of naval attacks to route the Alliance fleet. They predicted that if the fleet was scattered, those worlds would soon submit to a prolonged siege and trade embargo, without further loss of life.
To this end they procured three Dark Blade hulls from the One Sith. Having suffered significant damage, the One Sith decided selling them on was a more attractive option than expensive repairs or mothballing. They've already been partially demilitarised and are not fully operational.
With the possibility of the vessels being battle worthy within two months, the Alliance has to stop them or face destruction. With their navy stretched stopping First Order strike fleets, the Alliance turns to privateers.
A ragtag group of the fastest ships available to the Alliance: smugglers, freelancers and a handful of X-Wings is assembled. The Final Order convoy will be stopping at a deep space refuelling depot, and the fleet will have to make the jump within a short window.
[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
[member="Malia Afredane"]