Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Threads

[member="Taeli Raaf"]

I have always wanted to write with you but never found an instance where I could. I still cant think of where we would meet, but still always wanted to. Let me know if you are interested and I will force myself to find a setting and subject.


Interestingly enough I too have been attempting to get my character on this forum active again as well and I am open to any threads you may want to do.

But I have one Idea we could do. So essentially I am meditating on the planet of Nathema and My reason for doing so is to suppress the spirit of Darth Nihilus that resides within myself. I figured since Nathema is known for having the absence of The Force that bringing someone who feeds on Force energy like Nihilus would weaken him.

And of course with someone as powerful and ancient as Nihilus just hanging out on the planet his power sticks out like a sore thumb. That's where you and whoever you choose to bring come in.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Tobias Dracks"]

Hmmm perhaps some machinations?

[member="Darth Animus"]

I shall have to think on what I might want to do


Hmmm sounds rather interesting

[member="Kal Sarn"]

Perhaps hiring for a job?

[member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Tathra Khaeus"]

What shall we do? Any ideas?
I had this idea where your character and mine are captured by a crew of pirates who have somehow come into possession of a very ancient Sith Warship from the time of Naga Sadow and have to kill our way to control of the ship itself, which they are using to sieze military equipment.

Now I was thinking that the twist to this thread? It could be told entirely from the perspective of the pirates trying to survive us, with us serving as the monsters in a scary story, as it starts with the pirates all triumphant and puffed up with their fancy ancient warship and by the time we whittle them down, the crew is going insane and the place is regarded as their tomb, with Taeli and The Amalgam trying to outdo each other on who can take a pirate out in the most horrific, over the top manner.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"] We could go after that knowledge plotline we had a few months back, though things are slightly different now (at least on Scherezade's end). She'd still be interested in learning... Though she might be considered a hostile by TSE (or a nonimportant person. No sure which).

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