Keepin Corellia Weird
This guy is a Darksider. His tag says 'Sith' because it was chosen, but he's not apt to be cackling maniacally in a corner on a pile of corpses. Not unless it is Sunday, of course. His general view of most of those outside his 'circle' is flat out apathy. In the pursuit of knowledge, he is absolutely ruthless and brutal, and will stop at nothing. More can be found on his bio.
I am looking for training to develop skills, social threads, possible factions to become involved in... I'm open to all ideas on this guy. I made him on a lark, never intending to develop him terribly deeply or fast, but to play with Sith Alchemy. And then through luck, a friend handed me the OOC reins of a massive alchemy oriented company not too long ago. I've let it sit dormant while I took an LOA and set things up, but I am absolutely interested in picking up those reins and throwing myself headfirst into things.
Apologies in advance if this guy is a little jarring. He is literally my first 'bad guy' character, ever. And one of three FU i've ever written, and the only FU that isn't a Jedi who will cut you to bits for being bad.
Lets see those ideas roll in!
I am looking for training to develop skills, social threads, possible factions to become involved in... I'm open to all ideas on this guy. I made him on a lark, never intending to develop him terribly deeply or fast, but to play with Sith Alchemy. And then through luck, a friend handed me the OOC reins of a massive alchemy oriented company not too long ago. I've let it sit dormant while I took an LOA and set things up, but I am absolutely interested in picking up those reins and throwing myself headfirst into things.
Apologies in advance if this guy is a little jarring. He is literally my first 'bad guy' character, ever. And one of three FU i've ever written, and the only FU that isn't a Jedi who will cut you to bits for being bad.
Lets see those ideas roll in!