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Looking for Work

So, I am currently looking for someone to help me with starting up my company Csillian Laboratories.

Currently, our headquarters is in One Sith territory so, are there any Dark Siders out there that would wish to make a deal with me to provide the One Sith with Csillian technology? Or perhaps some Chiss out there who would like to apply to the company?
[member="Sila Blaire"] First off, great company! I loved reading the write-up. Question: would Csillian Labs ever hire freelancers? I'm definitely interested in some kind of freelance role, but I'm not sure my character is a company man (not yet the future, who knows?) He didn't grow up on Csilla and his only knowledge of his race comes from what he's read on the HoloNet. He knows about the Chiss Ascendency in a purely academic way, pretty far removed from it since he grew up on a tiny planet in the Outer Rim. It could be an interesting opportunity for others to encounter a Chiss who knows very little about the culture and doesn't really fit the cold and calculating Chiss "type". Plus it would blow his mind to meet other Chiss.

Here's the hard sell: He's a skilled slicer/technician. Depending on what your needs, are I could see him doing anything from criminal slicing, i.e., stealing information to developing anti-slicing firewalls for your networks or helping to upgrade weapon/defense/communication technology.

Let me know if interested.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Having good relations with the One Sith, and being a businesswoman myself, I would be more than pleased to help you get your business off the ground.

[member="Sila Blaire"]
[member="Cryax Bane"] I am glad you like the company. For someone of your skills, we could hire you for technological security. Things such as developing ecryption software and other such things like that to protect our company secrets. :)

[member="Enigma"] I would very much like that. :)
[member="Ice"] We aren't technically with the One Sith. It's just that our headquarters is located within their space so they're preferred customers.

[member="Cryax Bane"] & [member="Enigma"] I shall start a single thread for the both of you. Sound good?
*Taps chin as he thinks* Hmm. Would you like to start a thread looking for partners, and Ice can answer it? Also, is your companies policy on non chiss, public knowledge? It looks like it is, but I'd like to confirm.

[member="Sila Blaire"]
[member="Ice"] I shall add you into the thread I am currently writing now. As for the non-Chiss policy, it's only regarding high security areas. If Non-Chiss were to apply, they'd be very restricted in the company's business, only knowing of the lower-end projects. Like an intern basically but with pay.
I ask about the policy, because if our companies became partners, presumably we would have access to each other higher security projects. And I was thinking about having Ice go as a chiss to sneak a peak into the labs. lol

[member="Sila Blaire"]

Haha. I don't think I could play as a Sith. I'm to nice. I can have my characters be a bit like jerks if I wanted. But they lack the actual evil streak Sith are supposed to have.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
[member="Ice"] same here. I think being a dark lord is foolish. Bringing pain upon innocent or at least semi-innocent people. A disgusting way of the force
[member="Ice"] Lol, probably not. All companies keep secrets. Even from their partners. If we did become partners, we'd still keep plenty of secrets. Chiss being xenophobic and whatnot.
Thus the reason Ice would come in the form of a Chiss. ;) He's a Shi'ido. He can shapeshift to just about any form up to wookiee size. I figured it might be fun to try. I mean I get it depends on how close they get. But still, might be interesting. Thoughts?

[member="Sila Blaire"]
lol fair enough. i didn't think he would get access until they had gotten to know each other better and become partners. but i wanted to see if you were even remotely open to the idea. :p anyway, looking forward to the thread!

[member="Sila Blaire"]

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