Jaxton Ravos
Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Starting a new character due to my poor bear dying, and he's gonna be a bounty hunter. Thusfar looking at the bounty board my best options seem to be hunting some One Sith for the Mandalorians. I'm looking for Acolyte/Knight level chars to play a friendly duel. I'll get to you Sith Lord's eventually(If your underlings can't take me) but I'm not really in the mood to fight Force Masters with Lightsaber Resistant Armor in a brand new NFU character just yet.
I'm pretty open as to environment and such for the duel, as long as it's not something excessively stupid like trying to hunt a Knight on Coruscant. Thread can be fast or slow, I'm not expecting a -ton- of replies with an invasion looming around the corner but I'd like get some planning done. I'm also down for scheduling threads after the invasion. Whatever works for y'all.
Can't wait to meet some of you guys. Have fun.
I'm pretty open as to environment and such for the duel, as long as it's not something excessively stupid like trying to hunt a Knight on Coruscant. Thread can be fast or slow, I'm not expecting a -ton- of replies with an invasion looming around the corner but I'd like get some planning done. I'm also down for scheduling threads after the invasion. Whatever works for y'all.
Can't wait to meet some of you guys. Have fun.