[member="Mason Raxsted"] Totally up to you, dude. I offer a full plot/story based training program that includes training threads, social threads, missions, crystal caves, interactions and missions with the other students in order to give you people to plot with, and inevitably Jedi Trials and a Knighting ceremony.
There is a Discord chat also, for communicating with your fellow students and plotting, which you are free to stay in as a graduate once you become a Knight, to continue plotting with new and old students.
Fair warning, of course. You will not ICly be Knighted until you are considered ready IC, meaning there won't be a quick Knighting most likely unless your character shows in threads that they're ready far more quickly.
Much of the training will be focused on trying to prepare your character for it as well as giving you the tools to craft your own stories and having a chance to put them into action on missions - not to mention having connections with people to be able to plot with once you graduate so you're not left trying to find plots by yourself. This is a heavily plot-based program, if you think it's your cup of tea.
[member="Douglas Starwind"], [member="Dusaro Dresari"] and [member="Anora Vahn"] are my current three actives who have gone through at least half of this version of the training program, if you want feedback on their experiences.