Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking to Become More Active

Tarjik Darkin

"Merchants have no country." - Thomas Jefferson
Hello there!
I have been busy and away for a while (after my active threads dried up), but now I am planning on getting back into the RPs. Particularly I am looking to get this character into some storylines as I haven't used him much but see great potential for interesting stories with him and his slaves.

With Tarjik being a slaver, smuggler, and all around morally questionable guy, I am looking for more of an underworld/criminal vibe. However, I should be down
for most ideas as I am pretty flexible RPer and would be interested in hearing and coming up with ideas from whoever is interested.​
I am not really looking to join a faction or interrupt something in progress, I am primarily looking for "one-offs" just to get back into the RP groove.

I am excited to get back and hope to start RPing soon!

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