Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking To Get Back Into The Game [OOC]

So basically I feel like I have had nothing to write on Chaos for six weeks now, which is why those of you who know me from previous factions or around Skype or the website itself haven't seen or heard from me.

I began ImperialArms Incorporated but it appeared that nobody was backing me. I can't develop a company for a faction if nobody in the faction shows interest in roleplaying with me.

There is also a ton of other things I'd like to get into with the Imperial Remnant. I'd like to persue a political career, for example.

I'm not willing to reveal my Force-sensitivity as [member="Darth Ayra"] just yet, whence the seperate sub-account for the same character. But it's always possible to lead up to that revelation. I was trying to do a storyline with [member="Corvinus Palpatine"] about it being revealed that Alicia Drey was a descedant of House Palpatine and a long lost relative, but that fell apart because Darth Teddy doesn't use the follow button. ;)

So basically I'm just trying to get back into Chaos. Spats excluded with the recent Primeval invasion (I was having a bad week) I'm ready to rejoin the community. I'd like to think I have a lot of things I could contribute to the Imperial Remnant, so without further ado I give you permission to use me as you see fit.

inb4 nobody replies to this thread
[member="Alicia Drey"]


Well we got a faction thread and we're considering a lot of things. THere's a few pieces of tech we may develop. Tyr Dellos would be the person to ask, and a manufacturer for that would be awesome. I have also been thinking we could try and make a sub to soldify combining Stormtrooper and Crinan Armor so our stormies have armor with shields like the Crinan Armor does.

As for politics totes open to hearing any ideas you wanted for that. We're still trying to figure out the best system for that. That and get everyone active again since going slow while waiting a week for the Fringe to clear seemed to have made a few people hibernate.
[member="Alicia Drey"] Welcome back to the Empire my dear. I am Grand Admiral Duke of (something Crinian) Garvan Aritus, Warlord of the empire! I am pleased to see your return. Now if you need backing, by all means i am for activity building and such.

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