Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking to steal schematics from the One Sith

Kuat being in One Sith territory, the plan is to steal Star Destroyer schematics. Not only slicing will be involved but I provide some distraction by delivering starship components while the theft of data (discs?) is to occur.

Given the nature of what I would be using the resulting thread for (a SD-sized ship in the 1700-2000m range that can be actually be used as a prison ship, a freighter, a space liner, a mining ship or what-have-you but that have some peacetime use), I would prefer to get to 20 posts with the heist thread...
What I aim to dev about is not so much a Star Destroyer/Defender for use in space combat such as dominions, invasions or rebellions ([member="Reshmar"] et al can do their jobs in this respect just fine) but a freighter roughly ~2000m long that can be used as a prison ship, bulk freighter, container freighter, space liner, mining ship or any other peaceful use (of course such a ship would be highly modular)...

I already devved the components I wanted to use on that ship, landing gears, repulsorlift generators, collision avoidance systems, now it's the ship itself that needs devving. Due to its size, 20 posts, 2 authors are required.

The inspiration for the above tentative ship is the canonical Imperial prison barge, built by KDY, capable of carrying 100,000 prisoners in one go.
Or, alternatively, if you can wait until the Coruscant invasion is judged and IF the GA are judged as victors, 99% chance the cloud break will result in Kuat going neutral and can then resume doing business with factions other than OS.
[member="Lorelei Darke"]

I know that judging the Coruscant invasion is not an easy task. It lived up to its hype; regardless of the result, I'm happy for all those who took part in it.

But it's harder for me to get to 20 posts if I simply bought schematics to a non-combat ship (and ideally for more than that because it is part of Ringovinda StarYards' major project for tier 3 -> 4; I still have 52 posts to go, at least 10 of which are earmarked for another 1500-meter-long ship class, notwithstanding the 8 posts already accumulated in the theft thread) despite the need for just two authors for a 2000-meter-long ship. Given the limitations on battlecruisers, which can only be used by major factions, there is no point in building battlecruiser-sized freighters unless a major faction called for a new battlecruiser or supercarrier class.

P.S.: If KDY wishes to purchase components, or drydocks, from Ringovinda Systems, then I am willing to wait for the end of the Coruscant invasion judging before the actual purchase can occur.

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