Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking towards the Future.

The map, the blacked place on the map is the territory just ripe for the taking
Now as many of you might have realized by the headline of this thread, I'm thinking about the future of the one sith. Where shall we expand, where shall we shore up our defenses, What do the member want to see more of, what do they want to see less of? These are the questions along with a few others that I've been thinking over the past month and I've decided on putting this thread up for all of you, the members of the OS to help me in guiding where the faction is to go. I've asked myself this over many days and I've come to conlusion to put this before the community that chose me as it's FO. I want this to be a great faction, I remember the early days when I was just starting here and the faction was thriving compared to how it is now. I want those day's back I want this faction to reach a golden age so to speak.

Now as I have got a small FA team I am also looking for those that are active and want to contribute more to the faction. However those that do come forwards know this, I don't want someone that will go mad with power or abuse their station. I want those that want to help our community of sithlings grow and help making this a fun faction to be apart of.

For those of you who want to have a private conversation with me over skype the my skype is Shaddi6923 and my door is always open. Just please provide me with a name and a link to your character so I know who it is.
Question 1
I voted Glee. Further off in the back, further out of reach, seems more defensible. Prakith is definitely within striking distance of our enemies (literally on the border of GA) and I'm not even sure if we'll keep it if we lose Coruscant.

Question 2
Anywhere there's interest. I don't mind much either way. Although we can't really go much further north. :p

Question 3
Do stuff. Pls.

Question 4
Could you elaborate on what you mean by "clean house", who this would affect, and why you think this is necessary?
[member="Ameli Trahir"] What I meant with clean house is to get rid of those members that aren't active, I mean at all, within the faction. Those that just sit there burning a hole into our members list.
[member="Darth Erebos"]

Why kick people out? Muses can be fickle, RL stuff happens. I think we encourage more people to join by being open and welcoming, rather than set a monthly activity limit and threaten with exclusion. That being said, I'm for keeping the IC upper hierarchy to a certain standard, and replacing those that go inactive for too long.

Note that I'm saying "replace", as in an exchange of IC titles, not kicking anyone from the faction.
Question 1,
As far as possible from anyone and anything.
If it were me: Csilla

Question 2,
North West, but anything that directly buffers the capital choice is most pressing. Unless the GA plan to do a tendril all the way up the map! Further north the better.

Question 3,
Always Story Driven. Get people invested in their characters, plotlines and such. Keep the objectives somewhat flexible, i.e have a few of them, so you draw more writers in.

Question 4,
Not with the boot, unless a character has directly betrayed you, then sure. Don't just boot them, boot and bounty them, put me in charge of that if you like.
Character - not writers, keep it IC.

Instead IC.
State the Council Clearly - First Tier
Reward those who have been active with planetary positions IC. You have your council, form the next layer of influence below them and so forth. - Second Tier
Recognize up and coming acolytes or members with something significant to show them they were appreciated, even if they are new - Third Tier
Inactive Members - Fourth Tier

It'll help characters fight harder to defend those planets or personal power when the time comes.
Titles and such, whatever helps their character. Me I don't care, I'm there whatever, but this helps give Sith IC motive to fight for what is theirs in effect.
Question 1:
Voted for Glee Anselm. I gave my reasons for it in the other thread when it was first recommended, but I shall reiterate that it contains our Sith Academy, and therefore provides a fairly decent reason for moving our capital there from an IC standpoint.

Question 2:
Northwest area is my vote. It is practically uncontested in terms of other Factions. I still would like to focus on some Southern dominions however as I believe that will help us to fend off the GA better.

Question 3:
Story driven. We don't have enough fanciful and interesting stories going on at any given point, and the constant Invasion/Dominion mentality doesn't interest people anymore. At the very least, I think we need to think up some good plots for our next Doms instead of the usual objective based shenanigans.

Question 4:
I don't think that we should be kicking anyone out of the faction. As others have stated previously; muse is fickle. I do think that we should take some motions towards keeping the IC leadership active. Put simply, I haven't seen them do anything since they were first conceived, and it seems now that some of them may be departing from us, or at the very least may be severely inactive.

If we wanted a figurehead who just sat there and did nothing, we'd bring back the Dark Lord.
Question 1:
I voted Glee with the same reasons as [member="Abelain Narv'uk"].

Question 2:
I voted Ilum because I like shiny things. From a serious I.C. standpoint, Ilum is a cultural hub and a great token to have. He who controls the flow of crystals controls the enemies very weapon.
I do however see the value of northwest. Either way would have my support.

Question 3:
Absolutely story driven. As I said in another thread. I'm here to help. I'll be honest [member="Darth Erebos"], I've never been a part of a faction like One Sith on any board. I like actually seeing faction leaders want to write with people. That's an amazing feeling I get to write with a faction head and I see others do the same. I also think a lot of the ideas people have would work wonderfully for faction roleplays. Hell if the way to win invasions is by means of storys then One Sith should strive to be the supreme story tellers on Chaos.

Question 4:
I voted yes. I don't like seeing so many members that don't actually do anything. Don't get me wrong, I understand when a muse suffers however if someone hasn't logged into their account since 2014 isnt it safe to say they arent coming back at this point? Even if we do kick them and they come back, they can always rejoin? Or if they return who's to say they just wont leave anyway. Better to cut the cord now, then simply sit and wait for what may never come.

As for I.C. leadership, even if we don't boot inactive player characters, Leaders needs to be held to an activity/loyalty rule. Depending on how you wish to structure i.c. leadership, if someone is in charge of anything, they need to be active and loyal both i.c. and o.o.c. to the One Sith. I don't like always reading about betrayals, or wishy washy characters. I can see where a plot like this would be fun to rp as a faction but if its so frequent that i.c. leadership becomes a joke, then its no longer worth having. Strict guidelines on expectations and activity requirements should be a must.*

*please note documented l.o.a.s would be an exception to this rule so long as it wasnt abused.

Just my little ole' two cents.

Valessia Brentioch

Option 1: I understand that Anselm is already home to your academy, but do you realize how close you are to the Mandalorians? Forget about the GA for a second, because your deal is with them - not the Mandos, who could decide at any time to kick the darksided puppy while he's down, k? I vote somewhere within Csilla's hex because it's tucked away in the back behind...

Option 2: The lovely source of strength and power, and cultural amazingness that is Ilum's hex. Should OS lose Coruscant then your story is simply those who survive looking for somewhere to go and no one expects the Sith to show up to Ilum's hex at all, and so you do this; proclaim Anselm as your temporary HQ because it does make sense you have an Academy there; all the while la-la-la, we're not doing anything in this hex over here. Doms and invasions are tiring but the dom for Ilum's hex would be largely uncontested from a PC standpoint. This gives the OS a new source of income and a way to rebuild itself.


We go for the Northwest, because we just don't have the funding to get a T3 and a T2 Dom off, so we'll have to pick one and stick with it. I'm in for either direction OOCly, but ICly you'll get a lot more out of Ilum's hex than say the NW. Let's grab some economy first and then go for hipster imps. :)

Option 3: Hello my baby, hello my darlin', hello my ragtime gal - story. Always story, make everything story written, because presumably all of our lovely darksided babies will be licking their wounds and will need to rebound from here. Ilum's hex is our rebound, sorry babes. Nothing pulls a writer in better than a great story, so let's do that let's make great stories.

Option 4: I like Darth Megnentis' tier idea, ideally you could always label them exiles from the grand 'reformation' of the Empire. Because this is the sorta IC moment where you're like, you with me? You with me? You with me? Great and thumbs up to everyone else and the ones that don't reply you just shake your head sadly and go thumbs way, way down. But they can always come back if they choose to and then work their way back up to the top of the ladder :)

These are just my ideas.
Question 1:
Prakith was the first capital world of the One Sith and holds historical value.

Question 2:
The Unknown Regions would actually allow for original, interesting Dominions a la Lord of Fringe style.

Question 3:
Enable people that want to go rabid toward a goal that seems reasonable.

Question 4:
This requires an explanation of "Why?"
[member="Soeht"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"] [member="Jake Daniels"] [member="Abelain Narv'uk"] [member="Darth Megnentis"] [member="Ameli Trahir"]

The last question has been modified. I thought it over and I find the original question to be pure arrogance on my part in thinking those that have left us for a few months or even a year or two might never come back. The Muse is a fickle queen and it comes and goes.
Darth Erebos said:
The Muse is a fickle queen and it comes and goes.
The muse is indeed very fickle.

For the reworded question, it really comes down to which values the Faction Administration would wish to instill in the Faction. Recognition and praise among peers is a strong motivator for people. In recognizing active people, you promote activity.

However, that isn't the thing I would value - at least not exactly. Activity by itself could result in negative actions - such as someone that butts heads against writers over every detail.

An example would be showing recognition to members that take the initiative - making fun, engaging roleplays without direction. Another would be praising those that go out of their way to instill a collaborative OOC environment among not just Faction members but also those on the opposite side of Invasions. Both values require activity and participation, but they're values that promote a positive, fun roleplaying environment.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
On the topic of faction storylines, it would be neat to have a Flagship, you know? It's a concrete goal to work towards and would basically require everyone to participate. Furthermore it need not be a particularly quick thing, and can be as long and drawn out as necessary, drawing in every possible aspect of the One Sith as an organization.

My idea in that regard would be to examine an aspect (or several aspects) of the faction that need fleshing out, and figure out how to tie that in to a 400 post dev thread. Take the Dark Council, for example. A great idea that hasn't seen much use. So perhaps the various council members can expand on their role and how it affects the administration of the Empire as a whole, and relate that to essentially a faction-wide effort to make a supership.

Or something.

Valessia Brentioch

The Flagship goal would also allow NFUs to get involved. This would also be a great way to take key stock and inventory on what companies would be interested if they aren't already invested in One Sith and how to bring in new businesses and such. As far as rewarding activity... I like the example [member="Soeht"] has mentioned.

Soeht said:
An example would be showing recognition to members that take the initiative - making fun, engaging roleplays without direction. Another would be praising those that go out of their way to instill a collaborative OOC environment among not just Faction members but also those on the opposite side of Invasions. Both values require activity and participation, but they're values that promote a positive, fun roleplaying environment.
Late reply, I know lol. Apologies.

Every writer has a different desire for their characters and I think how people would want to be rewarded or acknowledge for activity will vary just as much:

1) Public and/or Private acknowledgements by faction leadership for great rps, outstanding participation, etc.
2) more bling? Some may want Sith faction bling to show off their accomplishments in the one Sith that can be displayed in their character bio? Some may not but little stuff like months as an active member, faction social event bling, training bling, etc?
3) simple thank yous? They go a long way.

Perhaps posting a thread like the thread tracker where each member can post how they would like to receive acknowledgment? That way it's out there, faction staff would know how to approach someone as everyone differs? Sorry if this didn't make sense, I'll try and elaborate if needed?

Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
When I made my post about not going minor and sticking things out, I had sort of assumed that the faction was still active. All things considered I'm not sure that's really the case anymore. Until [member="Jake Daniels"] post there was no activity in here for almost a week.

I won't be the one to call it, that's not my place, but it might be worth thinking about how to gracefully RP out the collapse (in collaboration with the GA) rather than just letting the One Sith simply vanish. Maybe I'm totally misinterpreting things, but a roll call or something could be useful as well to see where we're at.
I must agree with Cyrus. There is only one way of reviving this faction, but it seems none have the time or will to do so. Thus, the most reasonable course of action seems to be a graceful dissolution, maintaining the dignity of the One Sith while we regroup in new form for a new fight.
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] I do apologize! I was on a loa for a bit there lol

I say we fights! We fights to survive!

Or at the very least do what was suggested and just find out who's active? Activity check time!!!

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