Cryax Bane
Red-eyed Snake

Cryax Bane, President of the Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate and profiteer extraordinare was not one to turn up his blue-skinned nose at a ripe opportunity. For example, the obvious one that was staring him right in the face when half of the galaxy up and disappeared in some kind of galactic rapture. Loot the kark out of all of those missing peoples’ homes and businesses! So, the Chiss crime boss quickly put out an order on the Red Ravens Cryptnet, calling all criminals and thieves in his ranks to go out there and grab up everything while they could with one simple message:
Sure it was a despicable act, but after all, if not the Red Ravens, some other enterprising miscreants or thieves would jump on this. Why let all of those credits fall into the hands of their rivals? Soon, Holo-calls were made to all the Chiss’ Black Market traders, warning them to be ready for a very large haul coming their way. Surely once other criminals saw massive amounts of roaming Red Ravens looters pillaging everything in sight, other opportunists would soon be following suit. Galactic authorities would be much too overwhelmed to target the Red Ravens exclusively. The end of the world was here, and it was beautiful.
What planet should they hit first? That was the million credit question. The answer?
All of them.