Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looting the Apocalypse (Open, Please join)


Cryax Bane, President of the Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate and profiteer extraordinare was not one to turn up his blue-skinned nose at a ripe opportunity. For example, the obvious one that was staring him right in the face when half of the galaxy up and disappeared in some kind of galactic rapture. Loot the kark out of all of those missing peoples’ homes and businesses! So, the Chiss crime boss quickly put out an order on the Red Ravens Cryptnet, calling all criminals and thieves in his ranks to go out there and grab up everything while they could with one simple message:


Sure it was a despicable act, but after all, if not the Red Ravens, some other enterprising miscreants or thieves would jump on this. Why let all of those credits fall into the hands of their rivals? Soon, Holo-calls were made to all the Chiss’ Black Market traders, warning them to be ready for a very large haul coming their way. Surely once other criminals saw massive amounts of roaming Red Ravens looters pillaging everything in sight, other opportunists would soon be following suit. Galactic authorities would be much too overwhelmed to target the Red Ravens exclusively. The end of the world was here, and it was beautiful.

What planet should they hit first? That was the million credit question. The answer?

All of them.
Had the Twi'lek been whispering in the Chiss' ear? Well, maybe, but only a little. And being the enterprising sort who always seized an opportunity when it arose, she'd done her homework. It was amazing what you could find when you looked. There were those who'd been left behind and posted looking for their loved ones, desperately searching for any clue to their whereabouts. Then there were those who'se minute transactions and footprints in the holonet suddenly disappeared at precisely the time that indicated they were one of those who was simply gone.

If there was one thing the Ravens had in abundance, it was slicers. So she'd set them to work. They found the movers and shakers, and then they checked to see who was gone and who was still present. It was a shame some of them were allies, and thus had to be left alone until it was established whether they were properly dead or not, but that was the cost of having other people to call on she supposed.

Still, her little mice had gotten back to her with a planet where a surprisingly high number of movers and shakers were simply gone. It would still be high risk of course, but such things always were.

Which brought her before her boss, [member="Cryax Bane"]. The Twi'lek grinned, and offered a single word.

Alright Cryax had to admit. The looting was all Chiasa's idea, but he was still the man that gave the order! And he hired the brilliant tiger-stripped Twi'lek in the first place. Or at least he thought he did, although he hired so many people for the Red Ravens, they all blurred together sometimes. What the Chiss didn't know was that Chiasa had never been officially been interviewed for her position with the Red Ravens. The Twi'lek just showed up one day and started doing the job. Still, the woman did her job amazingly well, and that's all that mattered. Look the part, be the part.

When Chiasa sauntered in and said that one word, Cryax smiled widely at her. Voss was a planet filled with wealthy Jedi folks. If they could get some special ops looting teams to rifle through those Jedi palaces, he and his Twi'lek compatriot could grab many a rare item, like saber crystals and those weird Jedi artifact thingamajigs. Cryax had not a clue what those things were for, but they fetched amazing prices on the Black Market, and that was all he gave a kark about. He quickly typed in a command on his Datalogger to assemble a team of goons and henchmen, plus a few Mirari bodyguard droids, of course and gave them their coordinates.

"Ready the Galaxy One," he barked into his commlink, then returned Chiasa's devious grin. "We're going to Voss."

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
"This sects not quite as out there as the ones attached to the Republic. If a few of their big names weren't so bad at keeping a low profile, and if a few of them didn't have enough hoarded away that they're on other shady types hitlists.. But then, we are very good at finding things out."

Did she have all the details on the light-sider cult on Voss? No. But then, she also just didn't care that much. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

"I'd say at least 75% of their heavy hitters are gone. That still leaves significant opposition, you know what one force Master can do, but we've got this whatever it is in our favour. The Force isn't reliable any more, so if we're lucky, they're the kinda of hand-wavers that depend on it too much and are useless when it doesn't answer."

Granted the Twi'lek was technically a force-user herself, but she'd never bothered to invest in it too heavily, she was busy doing real things in the real world, and wasn't it grand! All those haughty force users who's powers couldn't be counted on any more, and the Ravens were just as strong if not stronger. She wondered if they'd had their meeting with the Sith under these circumstances if they would have been quite as insufferable.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
“Indeed,” agreed the Chiss. “Don't you worry, my brilliant Twi'lek friend. We’ll have plenty of backup.” Springing to his feet, he motioned for Chiasa to follow him through the Dragon Palace Casino, which was sadly half-empty since half of its patrons either weren’t around to gamble or simply weren’t in the gambling mood given the unfortunate circumstances. Once they wove their way through the casino floor, the two headed out to a private landing pad where Cryax’s luxury transport vehicle awaited.

The trip to Voss was uneventful. Cryax caught up on work and the Holo news (riots everywhere!) and Chiasa did, well, whatever it was she did. Soon, the Red Ravens Galaxy One landed at the Voss-ka Spaceport without incident, which was a bit odd considering Cryax Bane was a wanted man, but he wasn't about to complain. One of the benefits of half the population being raptured was definitely the disappearance of half of the bounty hunters. Perhaps he could actually go out in public again.

A group of Red Raven security guards met Cryax and Chiasa at the spaceport and whisked them into a shuttle with tinted windows. They were set to rendezvous with their looting squads at an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city. There, the Ravens had begun to set up a makeshift command center outfitted with computers, a security system, and of course and arsenal and urban land crawlers large enough to hold a karkton of goods.

Now that they were dirtside, the real fun would begin.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

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