Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

NAME: Lor Hirano
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Senator
SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 28
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 133ib
EYES: Yellow
SKIN: Green
Lor Hirano is a politician - even before she was elected to be a representative of Glee Anselm in the senate, Lor traveled extensively, making friends and contacts across the Republic. A degree of street savvy and caution is, of course, required to do such a thing, but Lor Hirano's natural cunning and slippery nature served her quite well.
That isn't to say that she made nothing but friends and allies out among the star ports and byways of the Galaxy. Plenty of people - from gambling debts she skipped out on to lovers she left without a word - have motive to want to hurt Lor. Thankfully, none of them are among her voting constituents.
Lor is rather wealthy, and pretty much always has been - born into a rich family, she wanted for nothing. On a basic level, this means that she's got no real head for managing money. Realistically speaking, she's lost more to gambling for fun than some people will make in their lifetimes. She's been careful, however, to ensure that it's her own funds that get splurged - not Glee Anselm.
With a natural ear for language and an easy-going nature, Lor DOES have many friends among the Republic. She spent her years as a child travelling and attending the very best schools, and counts many influential people she met at those schools as personal friends. Several of them helped her get her position as Republic Senator.
Lor tools around the Galaxy in a brightly painted Baudo-class star yacht.
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